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时间:2019-02-20 11:17来源:毕业论文

关键词  失独家庭  社会工作  救助机制  方案
Title The Intervention of Social Work for The Loss of Only Child  Family in The City——Case of Nanjing a community
With the implementation of China's one-child policy of the 1980s, China's economy has been rapid development. At the same time, so the risk of the emergence of the one-child policy, family issues and the gradual increase in the phenomenon of loss of only child families increased year by year. Under such circumstances, the importance of social work intervention alone lost family issues is becoming evident. Taking a Nanjing community as an example, I selected some typical cases internship analyze data, discussed from the perspective of professional social work helpful to attachment theory, energy theory, self endowment theory as the guidance. Combined with previous data and analysis results scholars launched a comprehensive statistical analysis of various aspects of the past, find the lack of mechanisms exist and thus social work intervention loss of family problems alone started to explore ways and means, and propose appropriate solutions.
Keywords  loss of only child family    social work   rescue mechanism  suggestion  
 目  次
1绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2失独家庭当前困境    1
1.3研究现状    2
2  基本概念与研究方法    6
2.1基本概念    6
2.2研究方法    6
3  我国现有针对失独家庭的救助制度    9
3.1国家及各级政府承担了首要责任尽首要义务    9
3.2社会养老体系机制的初步建立    9
3.3法律扶助机制的建立    10
3.4社会救助体系的建立健全    11
4  失独家庭案例分析    13
4.1失独家庭基本情况    13
4.2我国现有失独家庭救助机制中存在的问题    14
5  对失独家庭的社会工作介入    17
5.1应用情感依附理论介入失独家庭    17
5.2应用增能理论介入失独家庭    19
5.3提高自我养老能力的社工介入    20
结 论    21
致 谢    22
附 录 一    25
附 录 二    27
附 录 三    28
随着改革开放的进程不断发展和加快,鉴于经济发展和国内综合实力增强的考虑,我国于上个世纪80年代实行了计划生育的政策。随着计划生育政策对人口控制能力所带来的经济效益不断增加,各方面的问题也渐渐突出。首当其冲的便是独生子女的死亡问题所带来的失独家庭现象越来越严重。 由于大多数失独家庭的父母亲都是基本丧失了再生育的能力的50岁左右的中老年夫妇,所以这种丧子的打击无疑是巨大的,这种痛苦使得家庭功能不再健全,家庭成员生活上发生巨大转变。尤其在中国传统观念中,“养儿防老”一直是被延续和流传的。失独家庭的出现,无疑使失去孩子的父母亲在精神和现实生活中遭受了双重打击。 城市失独家庭的社会工作介入:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_30483.html