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时间:2019-01-02 20:32来源:毕业论文

Research on performance appraisal of employees of Laiwu Aotong enterprise
Abstract:Performance appraisal is an important content of human resources management, there is an irreplaceable role in the development of enterprises, performance appraisal work is excellent to do the necessary conditions for the successful development of the company. But there are still many problems in the development of enterprises in China, such as: unreasonable assessment indicators, inappropriate assessment methods, assessment feedback and lack of communication links, therefore, enterprises to develop a practical performance appraisal system, While retaining the talent to promote the realization of strategic objectives and the healthy development of enterprises. This paper takes the Laiwu Aotong Automobile Sales & Service company as an example to make a brief discussion on the development and implementation of the performance appraisal work of the human resources management department.
Key words: Performance management; KPI; staff
目  录
摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    1
Key words    1
一、引言    2
二、概念界定和文献综述    2
(一)核心概念界定    2
1.绩效    2
2.绩效考核    2
3.绩效管理    2
(二)绩效考核原则与方法    2
1.绩效考核的基本原则与方法    2
2.选择合适的绩效考核方法    3
(三)文献综述    3
三、莱芜奥通汽车销售有限公司绩效考核现状    3
(一)公司概况    4
(二)绩效考核现状    4
1.组织机构    5
2.绩效计划的制定    6
3.绩效考核结果的面谈与反馈    6
4.绩效考核对员工工作的激励    6
5.绩效考核方法与内容    7
(三)绩效考核存在的问题    8
1.组织机构分工不明确,人力资源部门作用不明显    8
2.考核计划及指标的制定无员工参与,且考核内容不全面    8
3.考核结束后,管理人员不会就考核结果与员工进行面谈    8
4.绩效考核体系激励作用不明显    8
5.考核方法单一    8
(四)员工绩效考核满意度评价    9
四、莱芜奥通汽车销售有限公司绩效考核方案优化设计    9
(一)绩效考核的目的与原则    9
(二)制定绩效考核计划    10
1.考核内容    10
2.考核周期    12
3.考核主体    12
4.考核的对象    13
(三)绩效考核    13
(四)反馈与沟通    13
(五)绩效考核的应用    13
1.奖金分配    13
2.岗位异动    13 汽车销售公司员工绩效考核方案的优化研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_28599.html