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时间:2018-11-16 14:23来源:毕业论文

Title  Research on Social Work Undergraduate Students’  Understanding of Their Role Definition in the Field Practice                   
Intern is one of the basic parts of internship, so whether the role of social work students in the practice is accurate or not may affect the effectiveness. This article discussed the roles of social work students in professional practice based on the interviews and focus group sessions and supplemented by literature analysis.
Social work students have played a variety of roles like supporters, caretakers, administrative person, researchers, learners and so on. However, there are more emphasis on the role of service providers rather than learners. Students steel feel confused about their definition during playing these roles, specifically embodied in role ambiguity, role incompetent and role conflict. There are many aspects of factors that led to the problems of role orientation, such as students’ personal factors, schools’ factors, institutional factors, service objects’ factors and so on. The author makes a deep analysis toward these factors.
Keywords: social work; professional practice; role definition
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  问题的提出    1
1.2  研究目的和意义    1
2  文献回顾    3
2.1  基本概念    3
2.2  研究现状    3
3  研究设计    6
3.1  理论依据    6
3.2  研究对象    6
3.3  研究方法    7
4  社会工作专业本科生在专业实习中的角色定位    8
4.1  社会工作专业本科学生在实习中的角色定位    8
4.2  社会工作实习生在角色定位方面的困惑    9
4.3  影响角色定位的因素    12
结 论    15
致 谢    17
附录  访谈提纲    20
1  绪论
1.1  问题的提出
自1978年的十一届三中全会以来,改革开放与体制改革使得中国进入一个转型期,在这个社会转型的过程中,社会工作开始了在中国的专业化发展进程。1988年,北京大学社会学系设立了社会工作专业,这标志着大学开办社会工作专业成为中国社会工作教育的起点。到了2003年12月,中国内地开办社会工作教育的本科院校已达126家。 社会工作本科学生对专业实习中自身角色定位的认识研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_25963.html