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时间:2018-11-14 20:14来源:毕业论文

关键词  知识工作者  心理契约  职业承诺  组织公民行为
Title    Psychological Contract of Knowledge Workers     
 ——Effect of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors
As age of knowledge economy,knowledge workers is playing an increasingly important role as the carrier of knowledge in the enterprise.However,since knowledge workers have high intellectual capital,and the market demand is large,their loyalty to the organization is not high,which leads to a high turnover rate.Psychological contract of knowledge workers comprising three dimensions: transactional psychological contract,the relational psychological contract and developmental psychological contract.In which,the developmental psychological contract is a feature psychological contract of knowledge workers. Occupational commitment is a measure of employee loyalty indicators. Through reviewing literatures, senting out questionnaires,we investigate the psychological contract, occupational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior of knowledge workers. By analyzing the returned questionnaires, we discussed and verified the psychological contract of knowledge workers effect their Organizational Citizenship Behaviors , and professional commitment plays an  intermediary role.We hope that it will provide a reference for the business management  of knowledge workers.
Keywords  Knowlegde Workers  Psychological Contract  Occupational Commitment  Organization Citizenship Behaviors
目   次
1  引言    1
2  理论回顾    1
2.2  心理契约研究    4
2.3 组织公民行为的研究    5
2.4  职业承诺研究    6
3  研究假设    7
3.1  知识工作者的心理契约影响组织公民行为    7
3.2  职业承诺的中介作用    8
4  研究设计    8
4.1  数据收集    8
4.2  量表选择    9
4.3  描述性统计分析    12
5  研究结果    14
5.1  同源方差分析    14
5.2  信度、效度分析    15
5.3  数据分析    18
结  论    20
致  谢    21
附录A  调查问卷    23
 1  引言
21世纪是以知识经济为主宰的时代,现代管理之父彼得•德鲁克认为:“知识,已经成为企业资源要素中最重要的资源要素之一,其他要素都必须依靠知识来更新和装备。”如何快速地获取、整合和传播知识,是企业获得长期竞争优势的关键,而知识工作者就是创造知识,利用知识,使知识增值的载体。因此,知识工作者成为了构造企业核心竞争力的基础,是现代企业生存和发展的根本依托。作为企业的中坚力量,知识工作者对企业的忠诚度和企业竞争力的强弱有着密切的关联。而大量的研究表明,企业和员工之间心理契约不协调是造成员工忠诚度下降的主要原因[11]。充分地了解知识工作者的心理契约,深层次了解和把握知识工作者与组织的态度和行为,有助于企业对知识工作者进行针对性的管理,降低知识工作者的流失率。 知识工作者的心理契约研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_25817.html