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时间:2018-11-05 21:43来源:毕业论文

The Research of Festival Activities on the Influence of Product Marketing
Abstract: With the development of exhibition industry in China, various issues are gradually found in it. Throughout the various types of local exhibitions held in China, we can still find that China's exhibition industry seems to have suffered a bottleneck  in the early stages of development. So searching and making use of the potential force of China's exhibition industry will become one of the most important factors to enhance its competitiveness in the international status. This study aimed to provide an effective basis about the potential links between festival activities and the influence of the product marketing for exhibitors and organizers and to make them focus on the importance and potential force of expanding the influence of exhibitions. Through the questionnaires of the consumers in the society, we analyzed the collected data of them. Difference analysis in order to make the results of the survey more scientific, more reliable and more accurate. The findings showed that consumers of different professions consider that major festival activities have some influence on the product marketing.
Key Words: Exhibition;Exhibitors;Festival Activities;Product Marketing
目 录
引 言    1
一、绪论    2
(一) 研究背景和意义    2
1. 课题的研究背景    2
2. 课题的研究意义    2
(二) 研究的现状和发展趋势    3
1. 课题的研究现状    3
2. 课题的研究发展趋势    5
二、节庆活动对产品营销的影响研究的调查问卷    6
(一) 调查方法    6
(二) 样本分布    6
(三) 分析报告    7
(四) 分析结果    14
三、结论    15
四、节庆活动对产品营销的促进作用    16
五、节庆活动对产品营销作用影响的对策建议    17
(一)多方位的宣传节庆活动,扩大节庆活动传播广度    17
(二)明确节庆活动内容,使其内容更为多样化    17
(三)为节庆活动提供更多的传播平台    18
(四)善于利用节庆特点,以创新形式提升其经济价值    18
优尔、展望    19
致 谢    20
参考文献    21
附录:“重大节庆传播社会主义核心价值观方式方法研究”调查问卷    22
引 言
近年,在中国加入WTO的背景下,经济全球化对中国经济发展的影响逐日加深。而会展行业作为中国的新兴行业,为各城市扩大其国际化影响程度以及提高其经济发展水平起着不容小视的作用。商务部《关于“十二五”期间促进会展业发展的指导意见》 中提出:把会展业培育成我国现代服务业的战略先导性产业,逐步提高我国会展业的国际竞争力,力争使我国从会展大国发展成为会展强国。 节庆活动对产品营销的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_25421.html