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时间:2024-06-09 09:42来源:95550



Research on Demand Forecast and Production Planning of SiyuanCompany 's Transformer cabinet

Abstract:With the continuous development of the economy, the market demand changes more complex, for manufacturing enterprises, demand forecast as a prerequisite for production planning in the enterprise production system occupies an important position, and production planning is to ensure that the production process of orderly and efficient The necessary conditions. Based on the production of the screen cabinet of Siyuan Electric Co., Ltd., this paper finds that the company has the problem that the demand forecast is not allowed, the production plan is changed frequently, the production capacity is not clear and the order delivery rate is low, and the problem is the lack of Accurate demand forecasting model, production plan development is not standard, emergency order production cycle is long. Therefore, the comprehensive use of statistical analysis, exponential smoothing, planning method, the key route method, combined with SPSS and CCProject software to improve the efficiency of the production system as the goal, from the demand forecast, the main production plan, material demand planning, rough capacity Planning and emergency order time resources optimization aspects of several aspects of the study. The results show that the demand forecasting model can improve the accuracy of forecasting, ensure the implementation of production plan and improve the delivery rate, and improve the efficiency of the production system.

Key words: ETO; demand forecast; main production plan; Material Requirement Planing


1绪论 1

1.1问题提出的背景及意义 1

1.2相关问题的研究与应用动态 2

1.3研究内容与技术路线 3

2需求预测和生产计划相关理论基础 4

2.1需求预测思想和方法 4

2.2生产计划流程与要求 5

2.3生产类型特征 7

3思源公司屏柜生产需求预测及生产计划现状分析 9

3.1思源弘瑞屏柜工艺流程 9

3.2需求预测现状及问题分析 12

3.3生产计划现状及问题分析 16

4需求预测分析与计算 19

4.1需求预测的改进思路 19

4.2需求预测定量分析方法的确定与计算 思源公司屏柜生产的需求预测和生产计划制定研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204144.html
