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时间:2018-07-26 22:21来源:毕业论文

the Influencing Factors of Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Safe Food ——A case study of pork products with safety certificates
Abstract: In recent years, with the improve of the level of consumption, the change of people’s consumption concept and popularize of environmental health consciousness in urban and rural residents,  leading the market to demand of safe food is more and more high, and consumer’s demand to safe food is more and more big. The paper take the pork products with safety certificates as a case, combined with the research data of consumers from Nanjing, the influencing factors of consumers' willingness to pay for pork products with safety certificates were analyzed with a logistic model. The results showed that consumers' willingness to pay for pork products with safety certificates was influenced by many factors, including their family income, responsibility in family food shopping, willing to pay additional price for pork products with safety certificates, risk perception, cognitive to the Green food, the organic food and the pollution-free food, freshness, brands of pork products with safety certificates and the product price.
Key words: Safety Certificate;Pork;Willingness to Pay;Influence Factors;Logistic model
目  录
摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    1
Key words    1
一、引言    1
二、文献综述    2
(一)国外研究综述    2
(二)国内研究综述    2
三、模型构建    3
(一)数据来源    3
(二)描述性统计    3
1.消费者个体特征描述    3
2.消费者对安全食品的认知情况和购买现状    4
(1)消费者购买情况及消费习惯    4
(2)消费者对安全食品的认知情况及购买态度    4
(3)消费者购买猪肉时的关注因素    5
(三)模型设定    5
1.计量模型选择    5
2.变量选择及预期作用分析    6
四、实证研究结果    8
(一)logistic模型回归结果    8
(二)结果分析    9
五、结论与建议    10
(一)结论    10
(二)政策建议    10
致谢    11
参考文献    11
附录    13
一、    引言
在消费者日常生活中,猪肉是其主要的肉食消费品。据有关资料显示,2010年我国城镇居民猪肉购买量已达到人均肉类消费量的60%。随着人们生活水平的显著提高,市场上也出现了一系列的食品安全问题,“双汇”瘦肉精事件、沃尔玛用普通猪肉假冒绿色认证猪肉出售的相关事件,都反映出目前我国猪肉食品市场仍存在许多问题。伴随着食品安全事件的相继发生,人们对食品安全问题越来越重视,部分消费者对猪肉市场存在的质量安全问题表示担忧。 消费者对安全食品支付意愿的影响因素以安全认证猪肉为例:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_20357.html