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时间:2024-03-25 22:22来源:毕业论文

摘  要:当前,员工高频繁的跳槽,实际上反映的是当下企业内员工忠诚度的低下,特别是在近年来,员工跳槽、人才流失的现象日益严重,这更应引起管理者的沉思,加强员工忠诚度的管理成为现当代企业必须面临的课题。提高企业员工忠诚度,可以促进企业与员工之间的情感交流,提高企业的绩效以及促进企业健康可持续发展等等。提高企业员工忠诚度需要员工和企业共同努力,从企业和员工两个层次分别采取措施加强员工的忠诚度。现代社会是一个合作共赢的时代,领导和员工之间实际上也是一种合作关系,既然是合作,就要求双赢,只有双赢,企业才能获得员工的忠诚,才能让员工真正成为企业发展的内在动力。94853


 Research on Improving Employee loyalty in Enterprises

Abstract: At present,most people rely on the constant job hopping。 The staff of high frequent job hopping, in fact reflects the current enterprise employee loyalty is low, especially in recent years, employee turnover, the brain drain phenomenon is becoming increasingly serious, which is caused by management thought, strengthen employee loyalty management has become a modern enterprise must face the problem。 Improve employee loyalty, can promote the emotional communication between enterprises and employees, improve the performance of enterprises and promote the healthy and sustainable development of enterprises, etc。。 To improve the loyalty of employees, employees and enterprises need to work together to take measures to strengthen the loyalty of employees from the two levels of enterprises and employees。 The modern society is a win-win cooperation era, between leaders and employees is actually a kind of cooperative relationship, since it is a win-win cooperation, requires, only a win-win situation, enterprises can get the loyalty of employees, so that employees become the inner motive power of enterprise development。

Key Words: employee loyalty; human resources; Salary management

目  录

一、员工忠诚度概述 1

(一)员工忠诚度的涵义 1

(二)企业员工忠诚度的影响因素 1

(三)企业员工忠诚度提升的意义 3

二、当前企业员工忠诚度的现状和问题 4

(一)当前企业员工忠诚度的现状 4

(二)当前企业员工忠诚度存在的主要问题 4

三、当前企业员工忠诚度偏低的原因 5

(一)员工 5

(二)企业 6

四、企业员工忠诚度提升的策略选择 6

(一)重视招聘期的人才甄选 7

(二)制度规范化,规则透明化 7

(三)制定合理的薪酬福利政策 7

(四)重视员工个体,开展职业生涯管理 7

结  论 8

参考文献 9

致  谢 10

在如今这个科学技术、经济迅速发展的新时代、新形势下,我国宏观经济迅速发展,企业之间人才的竞争日益激烈,人才流动加剧,人作为一种企业资本,已越来越受到企业的注重,人才已经逐渐成为企业的核心竞争力之一。目前各企业之间的竞争归根结底就是人才之间的竞争,所以人才的重要性就显得尤为突出。市场经济条件下,人才只有先忠诚,才能发挥人的作用。如何提升员工忠诚度,使人尽其责,岗尽其用,降低人力资源资本,促进企业的可持续健康发展,已成为现代企业管理者普遍关注的问题。本文就企业员工忠诚度的涵义、影响忠诚度的因素、忠诚度偏低的原因以及提升忠诚度的策略进行简要的阐述。 浅析提升企业员工忠诚度:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_202967.html
