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时间:2024-03-06 21:32来源:毕业论文

摘要: 本文以南京市老年群体为研究对象,通过问卷调查及现场访谈,从人口特征、出游现状及旅游期待等方面运用数据分析发现,参与调查的六十至八十岁中身体健康、收入稳定的老年人大部分都愿意前往傅家边景区参与休闲养生旅游;其中不用分担子女家务,有着较高精神追求的老年人出游意愿尤其强烈。景区休闲观光、农业生态、绿色健康的养生资源形态越来越受到老年人的青睐,依托景区现有资源开拓老年旅游市场前景广阔。因此,为了给老年人提供更加舒适的养生旅游环境,傅家边景区还需要注重养生资源及旅游产品的开发,健全服务体系提升服务水平。在旅游淡季大力规划老年养生旅游,减轻淡季设施闲置的问题,增加景区经济收入。94555


Abstract : For Nanjing elderly design questionnaire and interview outline, from the population characteristics, present situation of travel and tourism to analysis of Nanjing urban elderly people to participate in Fu Gubian health tourism。 Found in the survey of 60 to eighty years in most healthy, stable income of the elderly are willing to traveling to Fu Gubian scenic area to participate in the leisure keeping in good health; Don't have to share the children home, has a higher spiritual pursuit 'willingness to travel in the elderly is particularly strong。 Scenic leisure tourism, agricultural ecology, green health health resources form is more and more get the favour of the elderly, elderly tourist market prospect。 In order to provide the elderly with more comfortable travel environment,Fu Gubian scenic spot also need to pay attention to health resources and  tourism product development, improve the service system improve service levels。 In the off-season tourist planning elderly health tourism vigorously, lighten the off-season facilities idle question, enhance the economic income of scenic spots。

Keywords: Fu Gubian scenic area, elderly health tourism, willingness to travel 



1   绪论 3

1。1 研究背景及意义 3

1。2 研究内容 4

1。3 研究方法 4

2   国内外研究综述 4

3   研究设计 5

3。1 研究地概况 5

3。2 调查与分析方法 7

3。3 访谈大纲设计 7

3。4 数据分析方法 7

4   结果与分析 8

4。1 出游意愿与个体特征变量分析 8

4。2 出游现状分析 10

4。3 期望分析 11

4。4 综合分析 12

5   傅家边景区发展老年养生旅游的建议 12

5。1 结合乡村特色,注重开发养生资源 12

5。2 针对老年市场需求设置主题并注重产品创新 13

5。3 个性化服务打造乡村养生知名度 13

结论 15

参考文献 16

致谢 17

附录A 南京市老人参与乡村养生旅游意愿调查 南京市老年人参与傅家边养生旅游的意愿分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_202608.html
