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时间:2023-12-30 13:55来源:毕业论文

摘 要:火锅历来是人们喜爱的食物之一,大量的火锅店也应运而生。由于越来越多的火锅店盲目追求利润,轻视服务,导致顾客满意度急剧下降。傣妹火锅清江商场店也未能幸免。本文以淮安市傣妹火锅清江商场店为研究对象,分析该火锅店当前的运营状况;然后根据本人在校所学的市场营销知识并查阅相关文献资料,设计出与傣妹火锅店相符合的顾客满意度测评指标体系,而后转化成调查问卷;汇总问卷所得的数据,并对其使用ACSI模型进行分析;最后根据分析结果,提出能够提升该火锅店顾客满意度的策略。希望此次研究对该店提升客户满意度,提高市场竞争力具有一定的借鉴意义。92395


Abstract: Hot pot has always been one of the popular foods, a large number of hotpot restaurant also arises at the historic moment。 As more and more hotpot restaurant blinded pursuit of profit and despised service, leading to a sharp drop in customer satisfaction。 Dai Mei hotpot in qingjiang mall store hasn't been spared。 Taking huaian Dai Mei hotpot in qingjiang mall store as the research object, analysis the hotpot restaurant's current operating conditions。 Then according to the marketing knowledge that I have learned in school and relevant literatures and materials, Gauging the consistent with Dai Mei hotpot restaurant customer satisfaction evaluation index system, and convert it into a questionnaire; To summarize the data obtained by questionnaire survey activities, and the use of ACIS model are analyzed; According to the analysis results, enhance the hot-pot restaurant customer satisfaction strategy is put forward。。I hope the research can improve the customer satisfaction, and it can have a certain reference significance of improving the competitive ability of the market。

Key words:Customer satisfaction, Dai Mei hot pot, Promotion strategy


1  引言 3

2  顾客满意度基本理论与模型建立 3

3  淮安市傣妹火锅清江商场店客户满意度现状 3

3。1  傣妹火锅清江商场店简介 3

3。2  傣妹火锅清江商场店客户满意度现状 4

4  淮安市傣妹火锅清江商场店顾客满意度测评及分析 4

4。1  傣妹火锅顾客满意度模型构建  4

4。2  傣妹火锅顾客满意度测评指标体系构建 5

4。3  问卷设计与数据采集 6

5  淮安市傣妹火锅清江商场店客户满意度分析 6

5。1  受调查对象的基本信息 6

5。2  客户期望分析 6

5。3  客户对质量的感知分析 8

5。4  客户对价值的感知分析 9

5。5  客户满意度的分析 10

5。6  客户忠诚分析 10

5。7  客户抱怨分析 11

5。8  客户满意度测评结果 12

6  淮安市傣妹火锅清江商场店客户满意度存在的问题 14

6。1  付款方式单一 14

6。2  就餐环境恶劣 淮安市傣妹火锅清江商场店客户满意度研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_200055.html
