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时间:2023-11-01 21:47来源:毕业论文

摘 要:世界造园的历史已有五千多年,但是公园的出现却只是近一二百年的历史。但是,在这样一个全世界都重视生态环境、注重城市园林绿地建设的时代,公园得到了较大的发展,是城市居民休闲、游憩、社交和开展文娱、文教活动的重要场所。90789


毕业论文关键词:公园, 滨水,游乐, 植物, 交通 

Abstract:The world gardening history over five thousand years, but the presence of the park is nearly one thousand two hundred years of history。However, in such a world are attaches great importance to the ecological environment, pay attention to the era of the construction of urban garden and Greenland, the park got greater development, is the leisure, recreation, social and urban residents to carry out the important place of recreational, cultural and educational activities。

Banded deal waterscape form banded waterfront park system, and deal the \"linear\" landscape space design, on the basis of this and for its definition for amusement park waterfront landscape。Rich and colorful heart to the enjoyment of a person with omni-directional, pided in different areas of the dynamic and static contact and meet the different needs of people。Lots of different kinds, size, color of plants to cooperate with each other, contact, can not only beautify the environment, purify air and will bring a special visual enjoyment。Reasonable and convenient traffic streamline makes the park is more popular with people, also reflects the people-oriented thoughts。 

Keywords:Park,Waterfront, Amusement,Plants, The traffic

目   录

前言… 6

1  项目背景及现状条件  6

1。1项目背景 …6

1。2历史文化 …6

1。3现状条件 …6

2  设计目的和意义 6

2。1设计目的… 6

2。2设计意义… 7

3  方案概述 …7

3。1设计理念… 7

  3。2设计要点… 7

3。3设计分析… 8



4。 创新与不足14



结论 15

参考文献 16

致谢 17

附录作品完成稿… 18


前言来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766

随着经济的快速发展,人们越来越渴望回归自然,而城市公园则是这种思想外在物化的代表。从生态学的角度来讲,公园绿地在城市中具有斑块或廊道的作用。而人们对道路的一种直观感受是“通道+空间”而在与公园景观元素相结合之后,则又多了个 “远景吸引”的感受。而本课题的目的则是针对月牙湖滨水公园的现状而设计出具有美感的“愿望线”轨迹以及丰富而有层次的植物造景。并将二者合理、美观的完美结合。

1  项目背景及现状条件

1.1  项目背景

项目所在地(图1)位于南京白下区东郊风景区内,占地总面积约16公顷,月牙湖河水面积约5公顷。月牙湖公园的则是因其湖面呈现的形状像月牙而得名。  南京月牙湖公园景观规划设计植物配置与交通流线:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_198128.html
