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时间:2023-09-21 22:58来源:毕业论文

摘  要 温宿大峡谷又名“库都鲁克大峡谷”位于温宿县境内,其岩层由2600万年前的内陆湖泊沉积固化成岩而成,有岩盐喀斯特地貌、峡谷雅丹地貌和干旱区丹霞地貌为代表的地质景观。新疆温宿地区的奥奇克葫芦状盐丘有着独特的盐丘底劈构造,为我国最大且稀有的盐丘构造,不仅具有非常好的观赏性,更具有地貌类型的典型性和完整性,具有极大的科学研究价值,是进行地质研究的天然博物馆。大峡谷已经开发为具有独特地质地貌景观、干旱区生态景观以及较高美学价值的旅游区。本文通过对温宿大峡谷地质地貌景观、生态旅游资源的调查分析以及对本地区社会经济、人文环境等的分析研究,提出温宿大峡谷生态旅游的可持续发展战略布局,推进温宿大峡谷的可持续发展以及地质地貌生态旅游资源的保护措施的落实。90403

Abstract The Grand Canyon of Wensu also known as "Wensu county is located in the territory of Cu Du Luke Canyon, 26 million years ago by the inland lake sediments and rock salt, is Karst landform, geological landscape Canyon Yardang landform and arid region as the representative of the Danxia landform。 The Grand Canyon is located in the Tianshan Mountains in the middle of the mountain peak, Tom before Bo Zi Dun Kirgiz nationality township, a total area of about 200 square kilometers。 A gourd shaped salt dome of Xinjiang Austria Wensu area has a unique salt diapir, is China's largest salt dome structure and rare, not only has a very good ornamental, is more typical and complete landform types, has great value in scientific research That is a natural geological research Museum。 Along with the evolution of the development of the Grand Canyon has been developed with unique geological landscape, ecological landscape in arid area and high aesthetic value of the tourist area。 Based on the Wensu Grand Canyon geological landscape, investigation and analysis of ecological tourism resources and the local social economy, analysis and Research on the human environment so, put forward the sustainable development of the Wensu Grand Canyon ecotourism strategic layout, promote the Grand Canyon of the Wensu sustainable development and ecological tourism resources of geological and geomorphic protection measures。

  毕业论文关键词:温宿大峡谷; 丹霞地貌; 可持续发展

  Key words: Wensu Grand Canyon;  Danxia landform;  sustainable development


 1 温宿大峡谷概况 4

1。1 区位特征和自然条件 4

1。2 大峡谷景观资源来自优Y尔L论W文Q网wWw。YouERw。com 加QQ7520~18766 特色 5

2 温宿大峡谷旅游资源分析与评价 7

2。1 大峡谷旅游开发现状 7

2。2旅游资源分析与评价 8

2。2。1气象资源 8

2。2。2地理资源 9

2。2。3人文资源 12

2。3温宿大峡谷生态旅游的开发 12

2。3。1基础设施建设 12

2。3。2景点开发 12

2。3。3交通状况  14

3 温宿大峡谷旅游发展 SWOT 分析 14

3。1优势 14

3。1。1生态资源特色鲜明,人文资源多元荟萃 14

3。1。2政府主导,领导重视 15

3。1。3当地居民旅游经济意识增强 温宿大峡谷旅游开发及其可持续发展研究+SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_196331.html
