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时间:2023-07-25 22:43来源:毕业论文




Abstract With the rapid development of information technology and innovation and technology, e-commerce has become a new industry。 The rapid growth in online shopping orders at the same time, but also because of the return of goods and return costs and thus reduce the profit margins of e-commerce。 So the development of reverse logistics has become a very important factor in the development of e-commerce。

This paper focuses on the development of representative cases of two major e-commerce reverse logistics。 Based on the combing of literature, this paper analyzes the definition and connotation of reverse logistics, and lays the theoretical foundation for the research。 Secondly, this paper analyzes the macro environment of reverse logistics, and analyzes the social conditions for the development of reverse logistics。 Furthermore, the case analysis of representative e-commerce reverse logistics is analyzed by multi-case analysis。 Finally, this paper puts forward the suggestion of the development of e-commerce reverse logistics。 The research of this paper can provide reference for the future development of e-commerce reverse logistics in China。

Key words: Reverse logistics; e-commerce; Return process


摘要 2

Abstract 3

目录 4

1 绪论 5

1。1 研究背景 5

1。1。1 我国电子商务源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 快速发展 5

1。1。2逆向物流需求的增加 5

1。1。3 逆向物流不被重视 6

1。2 研究意义 6

1。3 研究方法 6

1。4 研究内容及技术路线图 7

1。4。1 研究内容 7

1。4。2 研究路线图 8

2理论回顾 9

2。1 逆向物流的基本概述 9

2。2电子商务逆向物流的发展 9

2。3关于逆向物流的利弊研究 10

3 PEST分析逆向物流发展的环境 11

3。1 PEST模型的内涵 11

3。2 电子商务逆向物流的PEST分析 11

3。2。1 政治环境 11

3。2。2 经济环境 11

3。2。3 社会环境 电子商务逆向物流发展研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_188467.html
