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时间:2018-06-19 22:33来源:毕业论文

关键词  丧偶老人  再婚难  影响因素  社工视角  应对策略
Title  The Study of Remarried Elderly Widows And Widowers From the View of Social Work
-CC City As An Example
Abstract    Due to the acceleration of Chinese aging process, there are also an increasing number of elderly widow people. By contrast, the remarried rate of this group is extremely low. Due to this phenomenon, the issue concerning remarried elderly widow people has attracted attention of the entire society. The paper argues that the following factors have contributed to the difficulty and instability of remarried elderly people through conducting the living situations of CC City and making an analysis over this issue: the inpidual factor, the family factor, the economic factor, the societal factor. Through conducting field work, summarizing and analyzing the data, the paper makes a preliminary discussion over this issue. Ultimately, the paper takes advantage of the knowledge of social work to provide suggestions for remarried elderly widows with the perspective of social work.
Keywords  Widow elderly  The difficulty of remarriage  Influencing factors    The perspective of social work  Dealing methods
目   次 
1  引言    1
1.1  研究背景    1
1.2  研究意义    2
文献综述    2
2.1  国内文献回顾    2
2.1.1  对老年人再婚难现状的研究    2
2.1.2  对老年人再婚必要性的研究    3
2.1.3  对老年人再婚的法律问题研究    4
2.2   国外文献回顾    4
2. 3  现有研究存在的不足    5
3   研究设计    5
3.1  核心概念与理论    5
3.1.1  丧偶老年人    5
3.1.2   再婚    5
3.1.3   个案社会工作    6
3.1.4  小组社会工作    6
3.1.5   社区社会工作    6
3.2  研究方法    6
3.2.1  质的研究方法    6
3.2.2   个案研究方法    6
3.3   研究对象    7
3.4   研究内容    7
4   对CC市丧偶老年人生活状况的分析    7
4.1 生活照顾方面    7
4.2  精神慰藉方面    8
4.3  经济支持方面    8
5  丧偶老年人再婚存在的主要问题分析    8
5.1 老年人再婚难    8
5.2 老年人再婚后稳定性差    9
6   丧偶老年人再婚问题的原因分析    9
6.1 老年人自身因素    9
6.2 家庭因素    10 社会工作视角下的丧偶老人再婚问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_17950.html