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时间:2018-06-14 12:00来源:毕业论文

Male Pre-school Education Teachers’ Vulnerable Status
 & Social Work Intervention Strategies Research :Take D Kindergarten in P District in Shanghai as an example
Abstract:Female teacher has long been the subject in the field of pre-school education. with the development of economic and the progress of the society, people pay more and more attention on pre-school education, and increasingly recognize the significance of male teachers taking part in kindergarten teaching and breaking female teachers’dominance in this field. This paper aimed at analyzing the vulnerable status of male pre-school education teachers, and coming up with intervention strategies form social work perspective, so as to improve the vulnerable state of the male teachers and promote their professional development, and ultimately to achieve the goal of children's all-round development.
Keywords: male pre-school education teachers; pre-school education; vulnerable status; social work intervention
1 研究背景    1
2 文献综述     2
2.1 幼儿园男性教师研究现状    2
2.2 幼儿园男性教师研究趋势    3
3 理论框架与研究方法    4
3.1 理论框架    4
3.2 研究方法    5
4 研究分析    6
4.1 研究对象基本情况    6
4.2 幼儿园男性教师弱势状况    6
4.3 幼儿园男性教师弱势状况的归因分析    9
5 结论和建议    10
5.1 结论    10
5.2 建议    10
6 本文局限性    12
致谢    13
参考文献    14
1 研究背景
众所周知,与其他教学机构(如小学、中学)专注教育的典型特征相比,学前教育机构(如幼儿园、托儿所)更加注重保教结合。所谓的“保”,即保护幼儿的健康;所谓的“教”,即对幼儿的教育。幼儿园里的幼儿大多以3~6岁为主,幼儿园除了对幼儿进行全面的启蒙教育外,还要照顾幼儿在园内的日常生活,从帮助幼儿上厕所到注意幼儿做游戏时的安全,事无巨细。就此方面而言,女性较男性更为温柔、细腻、感性和富有耐心等性格特征,更适合照看幼儿园中对新鲜事物充满好奇但却无法识别和有效应对危机的幼儿们。同时,家长们也更愿意、更放心把自己的孩子交给幼儿园的女性教师。 幼儿园男性教师弱势状况与社工介入策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_17845.html