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时间:2023-06-12 22:27来源:毕业论文

要随着经济的不断发展,城市生活节奏的不断加快,人们对于休闲旅游的渴望也变得越来 越强烈。房车旅游作为一种新型的旅行方式也渐渐走进人们的视线,也纳入了众多年轻人旅 游出行的选择之一。房车旅游兼具“房”与“车”的特性,将住与行巧妙地结合在一起,吸 引了不少旅游爱好者的眼球,渐渐成为了人们释放压力,寻求内心平静的重要休闲选择。房 车旅游在受到越来越多的旅行者青睐的同时,也成为旅游学术界关注的焦点。中国世界上公 路里程最长的国家,同时拥有巨大的旅游人群,自然资源种类丰富,旅游市场前景广阔。近 年来房车旅游发展速度不断加快,但同时也存在着一定的问题。本文将通过对房车旅游的概 念辨析,以及房车旅游的特征进行总结,同时根据我国的旅游发展现状,最后从房车旅游的 现状以及消费者的偏好出发,提出相应的建议。89086

毕业论文关键词:房车旅游; 现状;消费者偏好;对策

Abstract With the development of economy , the pace of city life is faster and faster people's desire for leisure has become more and more intense。 RV travel as a new way of  travel  has  gradually  attracted  many  people's  attention,  and  also  become many

young people travel choice。 The characteristics of RV travel combine by "house" and "car", attracted many travelers´ attention, help people to seek the release of pressure。 At the same time, it causes the focus of the tourism industry and academia。 Chinese

has the longest highway mileage in the world, also has a huge traveler population, rich natural resources , and broad prospects for tourism 。At the same time RV travel is becoming more and more popular in recent years, but there are also some problems。 This paper through the analysis of the concept of RV travel, also the characteristics of RV travel will be summarized。 According to the present situation of RV travel in China and the SWOT analysis of RV travel as well as the status of consumer preferences, The author will    put forward the corresponding suggestions。

Key word:RV    travel;present    situation;consumer preference ;suggestions

一、研究背景 1

二、文献综述 1

(一)房车旅游的概念及现状 1

1、房车概念 1

2、房车旅游的概念 1

3、国内外房车旅游现状的比较 2

4、房车旅游的特征 3

(二)消费者偏好 4

三、研究方法 4

四、数据分析 4

(一)调查说明 4

(二)调查分析 5

1、人口学变量 5

2、旅游者对房车旅游的认知 5

3、房车旅游的消费者偏好 6

4、消费者对房车旅游的看法 8

五、研究结论 8

(一)影响房车旅游的消费者偏好因素分析 8

1、时间因素 8

2、出游同伴因素 房车旅游的消费者偏好研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_176397.html
