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时间:2023-06-03 09:54来源:毕业论文



Abstract:The investigation of the Anti-Japanese war remains a hot research in recent years。As an important battlefield of the war in Northern Jiangsu,Lianshui County retained many relics of the war of resistance against Japan。To carry out the research on the development of cultural relics resources in Lianshui county is of great significance to promote patriotism, to inherit the national excellent culture, to promote national unity and promote the development of Lianshui's cultural and economic development。This paper first introduces the Lianshui war, and then introduces the important cultural relics of Lianshui during the Anti Japanese War, the Anti Japanese War relics is introduced, the analysis of the current problems in the ruins of war to protect the improper protection of inadequate protection measures, and put forward suggestions for the protection and development suggestions, hoping to save Lianshui ruins of war。

Keywords:Lianshui County,Anti Japanese War site,Heritageprotection


一、引言 4

(一)选题旨趣 4

(二)研究现状 5

(三)涟水抗战遗址的价值 8

二、涟水抗战遗址的概况 9

(一)涟水县历史沿革 9

(二)抗战遗址的形成背景 10

(三)抗战遗址的种类 11

(四)抗战遗址的分布 14

(五)涟水抗战遗址的特点 16

三、涟水抗战遗址的现存状态 17

(一)遗址调查 17

(二)现状源Y于U优I尔O论P文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201-8766 分析 21

四、涟水抗战遗址的保护与利用 24

(一)保护策略 24

1。建立抗战遗址档案 24

2。加强对抗战遗址的宣传 24

3。制订针对性的保护方案 25

(二)利用策略 25

1。建立涟水抗战休闲旅游产业 25

2。建立敌后抗战博物馆 26

3。建立爱国主义教育基地 27

4。确立地方抗战公祭日,建立地方抗战遇难者纪念馆 28

5。进行抗战文化资源开发 涟水县抗战遗址调查与保护研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_173131.html
