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时间:2023-04-19 22:29来源:毕业论文

摘    要目前我国互联网人口红利消退,留住单个用户的资本投入较之前阶段大幅上升,投资回报率下降,互联网产品只有靠优质的产品给用户更好的用户体验才能保证自身的用户活跃度,特别是社交网络,与用户的交互比起其他的互联网产品更加频繁,因此对于社交网站来说用户体验更是重中之重。88441


Abstract:At present, China's Internet population pidend subsided, leaving a single user's capital investment increased significantly over the previous stage, the return on investment fell, the Internet products only rely on high-quality products to users a better user experience in order to ensure their own user activity, Network, and user interaction compared to other Internet products more frequently, so for the social networking site user experience is the most important。

This paper introduces the characteristics of the user experience, the hierarchical model and the research method by referring to the Chinese and foreign literatures, and according to the relevant theory of the user experience and the actual work experience of the user experience, taking the waterfalls as an example, from the stratified model and the quantitative analysis Its user experience to do process analysis。 Summed up the social networking site in the user experience in common, speculated that the future development of the social network user experience direction, designed to help the social network more scientific to do product design and demand analysis。


Keyword: Social network;;User experience;Douban

目    录

1。引言 5

1。1研究的背景源Y于Y优E尔Y论L文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018.766 及意义 5

1。2研究的内容 5

1。3本文创新点 5

2 文献综述 6

2。1 用户体验内容及特点的相关研究 6

2。2用户体验分层模型的相关研究 6

2。3用户体验研究方法的相关研究 6

2。4  研究中存在的问题 7

3 社交网络的用户体验研究——以豆瓣为例 7

3。1 基于分层模型的用户体验分析 7

3。1。1 战略层分析 7

3。1。2 范围层分析 8

3。1。3 结构层分析 9

3。1。4 框架层分析 11

3。1。5 表现层分析 12

3。2 基于量化分析表的用户体验分析 12

3。2。1 品牌因素分析 12

3。2。2 使用性因素分析 14

3。2。3 功能性因素分析 15

3。2。4 内容因素分析 16

3。2。5 汇总分析 社交网络的用户体验分析以豆瓣为例:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_161047.html
