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时间:2023-03-20 22:11来源:毕业论文




ABSTRACT Mobile games are widely popular across the globe, is called to give mobile Internet killer application。 The mobile game market competition is increasingly fierce since 2012。 Marketing and promotion is also very important to improve competitiveness expect improve the quality of mobile game, many game companies choose in the field of “mobile games derivatives”。 

The so-called mobile game derivatives, usually refers to the mobile game of the copyright owner or authorized development and mobile game content related to the physical products。 Through the business model of "bulk", the realization of his hands to swim around the buyers and sellers mutual reciprocity and mutual benefit and win-win goal。 

"Group purchase" and "mobile game derivatives" form a huge industrial chain。The chain outside bring mobile game for mobile game makers of generous benefits at the same time, also handle swim close to the traditional industries such as manufacturing, push forward the whole joint industry。     

毕业论文关键词:手游; 周边市场; 团购; 营销效果

  Keyword: Mobile game;Derivatives Market;Group purchase;Marketing effect

目    录

1。引言 4

1。1 研究背景 4

1。3 研究内容和方法 6

1。4 研究创新点 7

2。手游周边市场分析 8

2。1手游周边的分类 8

2。2手游周边外部环境分析 9

2。3周边行业的市场状况 11

2。4中国手游周边行业的发展特征 12

2。5手游周边行业竞争力分析-SWOT分析 13

3。团购的电商营销模式分析 13

3。1团购的概念 13

3。2团购的影响因素 14

3。3团购的盈利模式 15

3。4其他电商营销模式分析 16

3。5团购在手游周边市场的应用 16

4。 手游周边团购案例应用研究 17

4。1手游周边团购成功案例 17

4。2《天下HD》“大荒团购节”官方团购案例 17

4。3《阴阳师》自发性周边团购案例 21

4。4其他手游相关周边团购案例 27源-于,优Y尔O论U文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 手游周边团购的电商营销效果研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_150275.html
