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时间:2018-03-30 21:15来源:毕业论文

Local Specialty Marketing Strategy-Take Nantong ,Jiangsu For Example
Abstract: In the 21st century, people more and more tend to urbanization, rural specialties gradually forgotten by the people, but at the same time, some of the residents in the city also began to think of the rural simplicity, rural life, rural specialties. Local specialty is an important part of it. Marketing strategy is an activity  the enterprise take the demand of customer as the starting point, according to the customer demand and purchasing power and the expectations of the enterprise,doing business activities in a planned way through product strategy, price strategy, channel strategy and promotion strategy, to provide customers with satisfactory products and services.
Nantong,Jiangsu is located in the Yangtze river delta north , the geographical position is superior, and with the rich products. Researching of Nantong, Jiangsu local specialty marketing strategy can better understand the Yangtze river delta local specialty market, find the marketing problems, providing strategic suggestions for  developing local specialty market.
Key Words: local specialty;marketing strategy;Nantong, Jiangsu ;measure;revelation
前言    1
一、土特产营销策略相关理论综述    2
(一) 土特产相关概念    2
1、 土特产的定义    2
2、 土特产行业    2
3、 土特产的特点    3
(二) 营销策略相关概念    3
1、 营销策略的基本内涵    3
2、 营销策略组合    3
3、 营销策略的理论演进    4
(三) 国内外研究现状    6
1、 国外研究现状    6
2、 国内研究现状    7
二、我国长江三角洲土特产行业发展现状及调研分析    9
(一)我国长江三角洲土特产行业现状    9
1、 长江三角洲土特产行业现状    9
2、 土特产行业营销策略的发展    10
(二)江苏南通土特产营销策略的市场调研和分析    11
1、 江苏南通土特产简介    11
2、 江苏南通土特产市场现状    13
3、 调研的方法和内容    15
4、 调研结果分析    16
三、江苏南通土特产营销策略具体分析及应对措施    24
(一)江苏南通土特产营销策略的发展过程    24
(二)江苏南通土特产营销策略存在的问题以及应对措施    24
1、 营销策略存在的问题    24
2、 具体营销对策    25
四、从江苏南通土特产营销策略中得到的启示    29
(一)土特产宣传中的文化内涵    29 浅议江苏南通土特产的营销策略+4P策略:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_12164.html