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时间:2018-03-27 09:53来源:毕业论文
对上海市普陀区 C 社区中家政服务补充居家养老模式进行调查。就调查发现,目前对家政服务补充居家养老模式态度上,主要表现为主动采取、被动接受和不愿接受三种情况

摘要:随着人口老龄化的发展,老年长期护理需求日益增强,人们对于养老问题的关注度也越发提升。本文通过非结构式访谈,对上海市普陀区 C 社区中家政服务补充居家养老模式进行调查。就调查发现,目前对家政服务补充居家养老模式态度上,主要表现为主动采取、被动接受和不愿接受三种情况。虽然实践已经证明家政服务在补充居家养老方面已经初见成效,但是依然存在一些问题,包括资金短缺、人才匮乏、宣传不利等。基于此,本文提出应从加大资金渠道、提升人员水平、加强宣传力度这三方面来更好地改善家政服务补充居家养老模式,使之能够更实现更大范围地推广。
毕业论文关键词:老年人;家政服务;居家养老  20186
Housekeeping as a Supplement to Home Care
in Community C, Putuo District, Shanghai
Abstract: With the development of population aging, long-term care needs of the elderly is
increasing, leading people to the pension issue also more promotion. This paper carries out a
survey on housekeeping as a supplement to home care in Community C, Putuo District,
Shanghai by non structured interview. The survey found three situations which is initiative
adoption, passive acceptance, unwilling acceptance on the attitude of housekeeping as a
supplement to home care. Although the practice has proved that housekeeping as a supplement
to home care has achieved initial success, there are still some problems. It included shortage of
funds, lack of personnel, adverse publicity etc. Based on this, this paper puts forward to
increase funding channels, improve staff level, to strengthen the propaganda of these three
aspects to improve housekeeping as a supplement to home care in order to promote widely.
Keywords: Old Man; Housekeeping; Home Care 目 录
一、绪论 1
(一)研究缘起.. 1
(二)文献综述.. 1
(三)核心概念的界定.. 2
(四)研究方案.. 3
二、家政服务补充居家养老模式的现状描述 3
(一)主动采取该模式.. 3
(二)被动接受该模式.. 4
(三)不愿接受该模式.. 5
三、家政服务补充居家养老模式的问题与困境.. 6
(一)资金渠道单一且严重不足. 6
(二)缺乏专业人才且服务队伍业务素质不高. 6
(三)宣传力度较低且社会对其尚未形成共识. 7
四、家政服务补充居家养老模式的建议.. 7
(一)扩大资金的渠道及建立多元化的资金投入机制. 8
(二)提升人员的水平及建立高素质的服务队伍 8
(三)加大宣传的力度及建立良好的服务氛围. 9
五、总结和讨论 9
(一)总结. 9
(二)讨论.. 10
致     谢. 11
参考文献. 12
附录:访谈对象基本资料 13 一、绪论
于成年子女受时间、 精力所限,没有充足的时间来照顾老人,越来越感受到赡养老人的任务
这就使成年子女越来越觉得心有余而力不足。对于长期瘫痪在床的老年人来说,他们的子 家政服务补充居家养老模式的探讨:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_11862.html