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时间:2018-03-26 10:18来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:  上海城镇; 残疾人; 残疾人社会救助; 残疾人社会工作
The Social Assistance in Urban Disabled of Shanghai in Social Work Perspective
Abstract: As a country with the largest population in the world, the social assistance with the disabled in China has always been concerned. Establish and improve the social assistance system of the disabled, which will have a profound impact not only directly benefit the majority of people with disabilities, but also for the entire social, political and cultural development. In this paper, questionnaires and interviews will be used to investigate the status quo of the social assistance in ZhuQiao, Shanghai, in order to understand the current problems of basic living conditions and social assistance for persons with disabilities in urban Shanghai. On this basis, the paper combines the unique perspective of social work, to explore the establishment of a sound Shanghai urban social assistance system for the disabled. Eventually, the writer obtained the following conclusions: 1) Promote legal construction and improve basic content of the social assistance. 2) Expand sources of social assistance funding for the disabled and use a variety of assistance modes. 3) Convert thoughts and introduce the concept of social work.
Keywords: Shanghai urban; Disabled; Social assistance; Social work
 目  录
引言    1
一、文献综述与研究构思    2
(一) 文献综述    2
1、目前相关研究的现状    2
2、本研究的发展趋势    3
(二)研究构思    3
1、核心概念    3
2、研究目标与方案    5
3、研究方法    5
4、研究意义    5
二、上海市城镇残疾人社会救助的现状分析    6
(一)上海市残疾人社会救助的发展历程    6
(二)上海祝桥镇残疾人社会救助情况调查    7
1、调查对象    7
2、调查分析    8
3、调查结论    11
(三)社会工作视角下上海市城镇残疾人社会救助存在的问题    12
三、总结与讨论    13
(一)完善上海市城镇残疾人社会救助的对策与建议    13
1、推进法制化建设,完善社会救助基本内容    13
2、扩大残疾人社会救助资金来源,采用多种救助模式    13
3、转换思文,引入社会工作理念    13
(二)研究反思    14
致谢    16
参考文献    17
附 录    18
引 言
5.18是全国助残日,今年的5月18日央视新闻频道播出了一档栏目关注到“盲人朋友出行”的问题。本次新闻走基层的采访主角是吉林长春的一位盲人按摩师——尤龙,此次采访的全过程是记者跟随他从老板的住处一直到达工作的地点。一路磕磕绊绊,先后经过了小区、设有盲道的街道,搭了公交,过了马路,健全人走完全程都需要花上半个小时,而他足足花费了1.5小时,并且整个过程可以说是步步惊心。盲人出行难,采访得出的原因有:小区未设无障碍通道、车辆渣土井盖阻碍重重、盲道被人为占用、无缓坡、存断点、多井盖、过路口风险高,还有公共交通搭乘困难、频频遭遇打车难等问题。 社会工作视角下上海市城镇残疾人社会救助问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_11768.html