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时间:2022-12-13 22:33来源:毕业论文



Research on the way of “Three-generation Family”filial piety on Modern rural families

Abstract   The filial piety culture is a cultural tradition about the love and respect of parents and elders, which is an important part of Chinese traditional culture,dating back to ancient times。In the traditional Chinese morality,the filial piety is an irreplaceable part of Chinese traditional culture,which has special status and significance。 But with the development of modern society, the size and frequency of the population flow is increasing continuously。Coupled with the change of the traditional clan idea and the modern popular life style, the traditional "filial piety" has changing tremendously。In other words, the traditional "filial piety" is facing unprecedented challenges。 The way of traditional "filial piety", namely "three-generations" way of filial piety has been less and less。In order to deal with this phenomenon, we need to systematically study on the "three-generations" way of filial piety of the rural families in modern society。

   Key words: The Way of Filial Piety; Rural family;Three-generation Family


0引言 1

1孝道与孝道途径的概念及解析 2

1。1“孝道”含义的初步解析 2

1。2孝道途径规范 3

2“三代同堂”的含义及对现代农村家庭“三代同堂”的研究 4

2。1“三代同堂”的概念 4

2。2现代农村家庭“三代同堂”的类型 5

2。3“三代同堂”现代农村家庭与非“三代同堂”家庭的比较 7

3“三代同堂”的传统孝道途径受到冲击的原因 10

3。1社会变革,生产模式变迁 10

3。2代际关系的转变 11

3。3宗族观念的弱化 12

3。4国家政策的影响 13

4“三代同堂”孝道途径对现代农村养老借鉴意义 14

4。1精神道德层次的借鉴意义 14

4。2物质层面的积极意义 15

4。3制度层面的督促意义 15

5。如何构建现代农村“三代同堂”孝道途径 16

5。1精神文化层次的支持 16

5。2制度物质层次的保障 17 现代社会农村家庭三代同堂的孝道途径研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_109386.html
