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时间:2018-03-05 17:25来源:毕业论文

Between two different people can live in harmony, factors which influence in many aspects, especially the religious beliefs and cultural practices, has become an important factor affecting the ethnic relations, if the two national religious beliefs and cultural traditions are not integrated well, may cause problems of ethnic relations between two ethnic fusion, if good, can add a cultural identity of the people of the two nations among nations, a very good role in promoting national harmony has two. The ethnic relations between the Tibetan and Han nationality as the research focus, first briefly introduced the Tibetan people's religious beliefs and cultural traditions, the analysis of the current situation of Tibetan and Han live two people, the national religion and culture as the basis, summarizes a cultural identity between two people, and the softening of inpidual members of ethnic boundaries, strengthening regional identity, so as to promote the Tibetan and Han group two the goal of harmony.
Keyword: Tibet; Tibetan nationality; Han nationality; religion culture; ethnic relations 

1 西藏自治区概况    4
1.1 民族人口组成    4
1.2藏族宗教信仰    5
1.3 藏族文化习俗    7
2.1 在西藏的汉族人口    9
2.2 改革开放以来汉藏人民关系    9
2.2.1.人口流动和社会交往的日益广泛    10
2.2.2.通婚日益增多    10
2.2.3.语言和教育的相互交融    11
2.2.4.宗教和生活习俗的理解和交融    12
3 汉藏和谐相处的基础——宗教信仰和文化习俗的交流    12
3.1宗教文化互动    12
3.1.1. 信仰的多元化    12
3.1.2. 灶神信仰    13
3.1.3. 俄博信仰    13
3.2 相融的民俗文化    13
3.2.1 藏汉通婚与婚俗吸收    13
3.2.2 丧葬方面    14
3.2.3 节庆活动    14
1 西藏自治区概况
1.1 民族人口组成
西藏是我国面积第二大省,但是人口密度却是最小的,由于其恶劣的自然气候,导致西藏自治区自古以来就一直有较高的死亡率和较低的人口增长率。目前截止到2013年年底,西藏共有人口303.3万人,其中主要是以藏族人口为主,约为279万人,占据了总人口的90%以上,其余是汉族、回族以及纳西族等38个民族,其中汉族约有19万人,所占比例约等于6%,向其余的回族、纳西族、门巴族等共有人口6万余人,占比为2%。其中在过去的一年,西藏自治区的人口自然正常率为10.3%,是解放至今,西藏自治区自然增长率最高的一个年份,而且也高于了全国的自然增长率平均值。通过各种西部医疗等战略的实施,西藏自治区人口的健康程度也较过去有了很大的提升,在解放之前,西藏自治区的平均寿命值为35岁左右,目前已经达到了69岁,将近提升两倍。 藏汉和谐相处研究以宗教信仰和文化习俗为观察点:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_10555.html