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时间:2022-03-02 22:14来源:毕业论文



ABSTRACT Visiting right refers to the right to visit, contact, meet, associate and live together for a short time with minor children enjoyed by the parent who does not directly raise children after porce。When China's Marriage Law established the visiting right system, the law stated as "the right to visit sons and daughters",One-sided stipulation of visiting rights as rights。 Paying attention to the protection of parents' visiting interests while ignoring the realization of minor children's visiting interests violates the original intention of establishing visiting rights system。

In order to ensure the acquisition of children's visiting benefits and the realization of parent-child relationship after parents porce, the author redefines the attribute of visiting rights。 The attribute of visiting right is defined as not only the legal right of the party who does not directly raise the child to visit the child, but also its visiting obligation to the minor child's physical and mental health。 To ensure the realization of the visiting interests of one parent and minor children who do not directly raise minor children。

Key words: Marriage and Family Law;Visiting right;Attribute definition;Legislative perfection

目  录

引言 1

一、婚姻家庭法中探视权的属性 1

(一)探视权的内涵 1

(二)探视权设立的法理基础 2

(三)探视权的属性 3

二、我国探视权立法现状及问题 4

(一)我国《婚姻法》中规定的探视权 4

(二)《中华人民共和国民法典》中的新增规定 5

(三)我国探视权立法和司法中存在问题 6

三、完善探视权制度的建议 9

(一)贯彻“子女最大利益”原则 9

(二)执行探视权以疏导教育为主 10

(三)以司法强制执行为保障,明确强制执行措施 11

(四)发动社会力量协助探视行为的履行 11

结语 12


引  言

温某与叶某子女探视权纠纷案中,叶某与温某离婚后,女儿叶某某由温某携带抚养。叶某与温某离异后协定每周六探视女儿叶某某,但是由于温某与叶某感情破裂,温某只允许叶某在女儿叶某某寒暑假期间进行探视,就此二人向人民法院提起诉讼。人民法院在审理过程中认定叶某享有探视女儿的法定权利,而相对的温某有协助叶某进行探视的法定义务[[[] 《中华人民共和国婚姻法》第38条:离婚后,不直接抚养子女的父或母,有探望子女的权利,另一方有协助的义务。论文网 婚姻家庭法中探视权的属性及立法完善:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_90455.html
