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时间:2022-02-09 21:09来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 刑法修正案(九); 公民个人信息; 刑法保护

Citizens' personal information protection of criminal law - in the perspective of the criminal law amendment (ⅸ)

hool of Law Politics and Public Administration, Huaiyin Normal University, Huai’an Jiangsu, 223300)

Abstract In this paper "Criminal Law Amendment (ix)" to be discussed in the perspective of criminal law to protect personal information of citizens of four parts。 The first part expounds the necessity of the criminal law protection of personal information of citizens。The second part introduces the "Criminal Law Amendment (ix)" Strengthening the Protection of Personal Information。 The three part of the current criminal law on the protection of citizens' personal information, that the decision on the personal information of citizens in doubt, serious cases standards are not clear, the lack of pre-legislation。 The fourth recommendation is to improve information for inpidual cizitens penal protection。 The author thinks that the judgment standard of relevant legislation and judicial interpretation should be the meaning of personal information of citizens the definition and clear "serious"。 

Keywords: Criminal law amendment(ix);  citizens personal information ; protection of criminal law

目   录

前言 1

一、公民个人信息进行刑法保护的必要性 1

(一)由公民个人信息保护现状决定 1

(二)是发挥刑法法益保护机能的体现 2

(三)符合当前国际刑事立法趋势 2

   1。英美法系国家对公民个人信息的刑事立法 2

   2。大陆法系国家和地区对公民个人信息的刑事立法 3

二、《刑法修正案(九)》对公民个人信息保护的加强 3

(一)将犯罪主体范围由特殊主体扩大到一般主体 3

(二)明确网络服务提供者对于个人信息的安全管理义务 4

(三)升高了对侵犯公民个人信息的犯罪行为的法定刑 4

三、当前刑法对公民个人信息保护中仍存在的问题 4

(一)公民个人信息的判定仍存在疑问 4

(二)情节严重标准需予以明确 5

(三)缺少前置立法 5

四、对公民个人信息刑法保护的完善建议 5

(一)对公民个人信息加以明确 5

(二)明确“情节严重”的标准 公民个人信息的刑法保护《刑法修正案(九)》为视角:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_89451.html
