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时间:2022-01-16 15:08来源:毕业论文
随着“互联网+”环境下出租车行业的兴起,在过去的几年中,滴滴、 优步、等网络约车平台凭借着价格低、叫车快、服务好等优势受到消费者的追捧。网络约 车得到快速发展,与此同

摘要出租车行业作为城市交通系统的重要组成部分,是彰显城市文明的窗口行业,也是展 示城市良好形象的动态卡片,在我们日常出行中扮演着越来越重要的角色,成为日常交通 不可或缺的一部分。随着“互联网+”环境下出租车行业的兴起,在过去的几年中,滴滴、 优步、等网络约车平台凭借着价格低、叫车快、服务好等优势受到消费者的追捧。网络约 车得到快速发展,与此同时传统出租车行业发展受其影响,任何行业,新模式的出现都会 改变既有的市场格局。特别是近年来,全国出租车罢工事件和群体上访事件的增多,曝露 出出租车行业发展中的阴暗面,揭开了传统的“招手叫车”与新兴的“网络约车”之间的 矛盾,也反应出出租车行业监管中存在的诸多问题。本文运用文献资料法和案例分析的方 法,以南京市为例,对“互联网+出租车”行业发展的现状与存在的问题进行分析,提出 合理化解决对策。77063

毕业论文关键词 互联网+ 出租车行业 监管

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title The "Internet plus" under the environment of the taxi industry regulation and Countermeasures: a case study of Nanjing city   "

Abstract As the main part of city’s traffic system, the taxi industry, which serves as a window industry, will,Undoubtedly,demonstrate the urban civilization, present a preferable image and play a

more important role during the process of our daily traveling。 With the up-rising of Internet Plus Taxi mode, several taxi-booking platforms, such as Didi, Youbu and Yidao,etc。 have gained good reputation for their lower prices, easy accessibility and friendly service。 The taxi-booking online service has got rapid development, while the traditional taxi industry suffers a lot of

bad effects。The emerging of a new mode will change existing patterns of the market for any industries。Especially for recent years' Taxi Striking and Collective Petition Accident, which expose the darkness of such industries。 And also, it has unvieled the controdiction between the traditional hailing taxi and the uprising car-booking online as well as a series of problems in supervision。 Taking Nanjing as an example, this paper is ready to analyze the current situation and the existing problems of internet plus taxi industry by methods of documentary and case study。 Then some reasonable solutions will be proposed to solve these problems。

Key Words Internet Plus Taxi industry Supervision


1。 绪论 2

1。1 研究背景与研究意义 2

1。2 国内外研究现状 2

1。3 研究方法 8

1。4 研究创新点与不足 8

2。 相关概念界定 9

2。1 “互联网+” 9

2。2 “互联网+”环境下出租车行业 9

3。 相关行业现状分析 11

3。1 我国传统出租车行业现状分析 11

3。2 “互联网+”环境下出租车行业转型 12

4。 南京市“互联网+”环境下出租车行业现状与原因分析 互联网+环境下出租车行业监管及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_88511.html
