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时间:2021-12-23 20:25来源:毕业论文
对民事诉讼程序价值具体内容及相互关系进行归纳 与整理,比较我国关于这方面的立法及实践经验,就我国修订后的《民事诉讼法》的优化 可取之处及缺点不足进行分析

摘要我国民事诉讼法必然体现着程序的价值,并且随着时间的推移,其中所体现的程度越 来越高。我国一直投身致力于完善民事审判机制,但依然不够充分与全面。“重实体,轻 程序”依旧成为现今有待解决的问题。此外,在具体实践中,民事诉讼程序的内外在价值 间存在着矛盾冲突的问题。2012 年民事诉讼法的修改取得了一定进展,但也存在着缺陷, 未对各个价值衡量保证到位。本文试图对民事诉讼程序价值具体内容及相互关系进行归纳 与整理,比较我国关于这方面的立法及实践经验,就我国修订后的《民事诉讼法》的优化 可取之处及缺点不足进行分析,对根据我国理想的民事诉讼程序的价值要求提出修改完善 建议。76010

毕业论文关键词 民事诉讼程序;内在价值;外在价值;独立性;关联性;问题与完善

Title The value of The Civil Procedure Law

Abstract The Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China necessarily reflects the value of procedure, and over time, has reflected this value to a higher and higher degree。 China has always been committed to improving the civil trial mechanism which is still not sufficient and comprehensive。  “Substantiality Overweighing Procedure” is still a problem to be solved    at

present。 Moreover, there exists a contradictory conflict between intrinsic value and extrinsic value of civil procedure in concrete practice。 In 2012, the revision of Civil Procedure Law made some progress, but a defect remained that the measurement for each value was not ensured in

place。 This paper attempts to summarize and organize the specific content of and the relationship between the values of civil procedure, compare China’s legislation and practical experience in this regard, then analyze the optimized merits and the defects of China’s revised Civil Procedure Law, and propose recommendations on revision and improvement according to the value requirements of China’s ideal civil procedure。

Keywords civil procedure; procedure value; intrinsic value; extrinsic value; Independence;correlation;problems and solutions。

本 科 毕 业 论   文 第 I 页

1 引言 1

2 民事诉讼程序价值的概述 2

2。1 民事诉讼程序的价值相关概念界定 2

2。1。1 民事诉讼的内在价值 2

2。1。2 民事诉讼的外在价值 4

2。2 民事诉讼程序内外价值间关联与独立的界定 5

2。2。1 民事诉讼程序的内外在价值关联性 5

2。2。2 民事诉讼程序的内外在价值各自具有独立性 6

2。2。3 民事诉讼程序的内外在价值间冲突的平衡 民事诉讼程序的价值:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_87096.html
