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时间:2020-09-10 19:50来源:毕业论文

摘 要:近年来,职务犯罪越显突出,在社会中引起了很大程度的反响,在过去中纪委巡视组对全国检查的结果来看,查处了许多利用职务之便进行贪腐的官员,这严重影响了征服的公信力。但是,司法机关对职务犯罪的处罚却趋于轻缓化。究其原因,主要是因为现行立法存在着量刑幅度大、减轻处罚幅度不明,加重处罚情节不明以及缓刑规定笼统等问题,使得职务犯罪存在法律漏洞,让犯罪分子敢于越入“雷池”,破坏现行的司法环境。鉴于此,本文从导致轻刑化的成因和防范对策两方面进行研究。重点从立法方面进行深入探究,针对现有刑法条文,找出立法方面的不合理之处,逐个分析并且针对立法原因给出相应的对策,从而从防范对策角度出发提出一些独创性的建议。55795

毕业论文关键词:轻刑化; 立法原因; 职务犯罪; 立法对策  

Abstract:In recent years, more significant crimes prominent, caused a great degree of repercussions in society, in the past the commission's inspection teams nationwide inspection results, dealt with a lot of advantage of his position to carry out corrupt officials, which seriously affected the conquest of credibility. However, judicial punishment for crimes they tend Mitigation. The reason is mainly because the current legislation there is a large range of sentencing, to reduce the magnitude of the punishment is unknown, unknown as well as aggravating circumstances the provisions of general issues such as probation, making the crimes committed there are legal loopholes allow criminals dare more into "perimeter" and undermine the existing judicial environment. In view of this, the paper studies led to light punishment from the causes and preventive measures in two ways. From the legislative emphasis be explored in depth, for the existing criminal law provisions to identify unreasonable legislative, inpidually analyzed and corresponding countermeasures are given for legislative reasons, so preventive measures from the point of view put forward some ingenious suggestions. 

Keywords: Light punishment; The legislative reason; crime by taking advantage of duty; The legislative countermeasures  

目 录

前言 4

一、问题的提出 4

二、导致职务犯罪轻刑化的立法原因分析 5

(一)职务犯罪量刑幅度过大,减轻处罚幅度不明 5

(二)加重处罚情节界限模糊 6

(三)酌定情节法定化 6

(四)缓刑规定过于笼统。 7

三、防范职务犯罪轻刑化的立法建议 8

(一)明确量刑档次,调整立法数额。 8

(二)明确减轻处罚的标准及幅度 8

(三)明确界定加重处罚情节 9

(四)废除职务犯罪相关不合理的法定情节 9

(五)进一步完善缓刑条件 9

结 语 11

参考文献 12

致 谢 13


当下,职务犯罪就全国而言,仍呈多发高发的增长态势,职务犯罪在我国已经是个不真的事实。从政治角度而言,加强公职人员思想教育是主要途径。但从刑法角度而言,惩罚犯罪和打击犯罪仍然是预防职务犯罪的重要手段。然而,“惩处不严,当严不严,罚不当罪”引发的轻刑化现状,将严重影响对职务犯罪的打击力度。笔者最近调研和分析了一些基层检察院和法院对近年来提起公诉和审判的贪污贿赂犯罪和渎职犯罪案件的审判情况,职务犯罪轻刑化仍未得到有效遏制,问题依然严重。 论防范职务犯罪轻刑化的法律对策:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_60160.html
