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时间:2020-08-28 09:20来源:毕业论文

摘  要:工会行使集体谈判权,是与用人单位就劳动报酬、劳动条件等内容进行谈判并订立集体合同的重要前提。我国工会集体谈判权的发展还处于初级阶段,工会集体谈判权的实现存在着由工会“单一制”模式带来的行政化和独立性差,工会行使谈判权时用人单位长期“缺位”,工会集体谈判权立法不完善,集体谈判层次低的问题。本文通过对奥地利工会实现集体谈判权的成功经验进行分析借鉴,建议我国完善工会集体谈判权的相关立法,赋予司法救济,赋予行业性工会集体谈判权,加强工会的独立性,加强政府监督、完善三方调解机制等。55139


Abstract: Collective bargaining is the union before the union and the employer to engage in collective bargaining, given by the legal representative of workers and employers on wages and other specific rights to negotiate working conditions. Union exercise collective bargaining with the employer to negotiate the content of labor remuneration, working conditions and an important prerequisite for entering into collective contracts. Development of the trade union collective bargaining rights of labor is still in its infancy, the right to collective bargaining by the union of the existence of “unitary” model and independence to bring the administration of poor , union to exercise the right of employers to negotiate long –term “absence”,union collective bargaining inadequate legislation, Collective lower-level collective bargaining issue. The paper by the Austrian trade union collective bargaining to achieve successful experience to analyze and draw valid experience, give the following recommendations that the perfect union collective bargaining legislation; given the judicial relief; given industry collective bargaining; strengthening the independence of trade unions; strengthen government oversight, improve the tripartite mediation mechanism.

Key words: right of collective bargaining, trade unions, workers, employers

目    录

1  引言 4

2  工会集体谈判权概述 4

2.1  工会集体谈判权的概念、特点 4

2.2  工会集体谈判权在我国立法中的规定 5

3  我国工会集体谈判权在发展过程中存在的问题 6

3.1  我国工会行政化、独立性不强的问题 6

3.2  行使过程中的用人单位长期“缺位” 6

3.3  工会集体谈判权的立法不完善 7

3.4  集体谈判权层次低的问题 7

4  奥地利工会集体谈判权的实现的启示 7

5  工会集体谈判权实现途径思考 8

5.1  完善工会集体谈判权的相关立法 8

5.2  赋予司法救济 9

5.3  赋予行业性工会集体谈判权 10

5.4  加强工会的独立性 10

5.5  加强政府监管,完善三方协调机制 11

结语 12

参考文献 13

致谢 14

1 引言

我国的工会集体谈判权是指法律赋予工会能够代表劳动者与用人单位对劳动报酬、劳动条件等进行谈判的一项权利。集体谈判在我国被称为集体协商。工会作为劳动者权益的维护者,赋予其集体谈判权是对工会主动进行集体谈判加以确认和保护。工会集体谈判权的实现是集体谈判制度能够顺利开展的重要前提,也是人们关注的核心内容。《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》、《中华人民共和国工会法》、《集体合同规定》对此权利都有规定,一定程度上体现了我国立法对此的重视,但是这些规定大多是概括性的,操作性不强,同时,还存在用人单位“缺位”和政府缺乏监督,工会过于依赖企业等问题,这些不足都亟待改善。 论工会集体谈判权的实现:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_59417.html
