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时间:2020-03-09 21:04来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:商事仲裁;临时仲裁 ;仲裁协议
Commercial arbitration refers to a voluntary agreement between the parties, submit non judicial body to hear and decide the dispute between the parties, a system solution. Due to the rapid development of international trade, the economic exchanges between countries are becoming more and more closely, and commercial arbitration plays an important role in solving all kinds of commercial disputes. At present, due to the influence of various factors, the system of commercial arbitration in our country still has defects, which needs to be reformed and improved. Through analyzing the present situation of domestic and foreign commercial arbitration, this paper reveals the problems existing in the legislation and practice of commercial arbitration system, and puts forward some useful suggestions for improving the system of commercial arbitration in China.
Key words: commercial arbitration; temporary arbitration; arbitration agreement
目  录
第一章  我国商事仲裁制度概述    1
1.1我国商事仲裁制度含义    1
1.1.1仲裁的概念    1
1.1.2仲裁制度的确立    1
1.2 我国商事仲裁制度的内容和范围    1
1.2.1仲裁制度的内容    2
1.2.2仲裁的范围    2
第二章  商事仲裁制度的现状    3
2.1 国外商事仲裁制度的现状    3
2.1.1大陆法系    3
2.1.2英美法系    3
2.2 国内商事仲裁制度的现状    4
2.3国外仲裁制度对我国的启示    4
第三章  我国商事仲裁制度的现存问题    6
3.1 我国商事仲裁制度在立法上的不足    6
3.1.1缺乏临时仲裁的规定    6
3.1.2对仲裁协议有效要件的规定过于严格    6
3.2 我国商事仲裁制度在实践中的不足    7
3.2.1机构众多,业务发展不平衡、机构治理不健全    7
3.2.2仲裁带有浓厚的行政色彩    7
第四章  我国商事仲裁制度的完善    9
4.1 仲裁立法完善思路    9
4.1.1建立临时仲裁制度    9
4.1.2 放宽对仲裁协议有效要件的要求    10
4.2仲裁实践完善思路    10
4.2.1提高仲裁机构质量,加大宣传    10
4.2.2 仲裁行政化克服    11
结束语    12
致  谢    13
参考文献    14
第一章 我国商事仲裁制度概述
仲裁在我国民商事领域获得普及,也一直在诉讼外的纠纷解决方式中占有特殊地位,是组成法律服务体系的重要部分之一,不可或缺,更是我们构建和谐社会的重要方式之一。 以下笔者将从仲裁的概念入手,再对其制度进行介绍。 论我国商事仲裁制度的不足和完善:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_47961.html