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时间:2024-02-06 12:54来源:毕业论文

摘 要:随着社会主义的发展,政府与行政相对人之间的关系由领导支配转向协商合作,此间产生了一种行政权力色彩相对较弱的行政行为方式,这种行为方式就是行政合同。行政合同在有效管理国家事务的方面具有其他行政行为无法代替的优势,它可以扩大行政参与,推动行政民主,实现行政权力和市场经济方式的有机结合。行政合同并非是普通的行政行为也并非是一般的民事合同。虽然行政主体在订立合同、履行合同过程中享有特权,但为了避免行政主体滥用权力,应通过制定法律法规,强化行政主体需遵守的法律规则;设定严格程序来增强监督;完善救济途径等措施对行政主体的行为进行控制。93677


The theory of administrative privileges in administrative contract                             

Abstract:With the development of socialism, the relationship between the government and the administrative counterparts is shifted from leadership to consultation, and there is a way of administrative behavior which is relatively weak in administrative power。 This kind of behavior is administrative contract。 Administrative contract in the effective management of national affairs has other administrative acts can not replace the advantages, it can expand the administrative participation, promote administrative democracy, to achieve administrative power and the combination of market economy。 Administrative contract is not an ordinary administrative act is not a general civil contract。 Although the administrative body in the contract, the implementation of the contract in the process of privilege, but in order to avoid the abuse of executive power, should be through the development of laws and regulations, to strengthen the administrative subject to comply with the legal rules; set strict procedures to enhance supervision; The control of the behavior of the administrative subject。

Keywords:the company’s articles of association;severability;severability corrected;legislative proposals

目   录

一、前言 1




三、我国行政合同中行政特权制度存在的问题 2

(一)行政特权存在的必要性和限制因素 2

(二)我国行政特权的立法现状 2

四、外国行政合同中特权制度 3

(一)法国行政特权制度 3

  (二)德国行政特权制度 4     

五、我国行政合同中行政特权的法律规制 4

(一)明确规定行使行政特权的主体范围 4

  (二)监督行政主体自由裁量权的行使 5     

(三)完善救济制度 5 

(四)健全行使行政主体特权的各项程序性制度 5     

六、结论 7

参考文献 8

致谢 9




   (一)行政特权含义、内容及特征来自优I尔Q论T文D网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766

行政特权是指行政主体以实现公共利益为目的,依照相关法律法规,对合同相对人行使公权力赋予其的具有强制性特征的权利。 论行政合同中的行政特权:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_201564.html
