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时间:2018-07-20 22:35来源:毕业论文

The Research About Automatic Renewal Of Residential Construction Land-use Right——Based on shenzhen, Qingdao, wenzhou case analysis
Abstract:The right to use construction land for dwelling houses shall be renewed automatically when it expires,as prescribed for Article 149 of The Property Law. But how to  implement automatic renewal is not yet clear. 20 years of land use right automatic renewal cases took place in Shenzhen, Tingdao, Wenzhou. However, there are several disputes in the process of implement,because the law is not clear.And there are three existing major controversies, including whether renewal is paid or unpaid, the length of the renewal period, and the number of renewable. This article analyses the disputes in the cases of dealing with automatic renewal.Finally,the author put suggestions for automatic renewal system.The author believes that the automatic renewal should be taken to attach conditions for renewal, and should take the land use tax or property tax. In addition, it should take the double rules which offers certain exempted area,and the payer can choice one-time payment in full or installment payment.What is more, the payer has only one chance to renew, and period is determined by the residual service life of the building. Automatic renewal has relations with the vital interests of the people, so it should be clear as soon as possible .
Key words: Residential Construction Land-use Right;Automatic Renewal;Disputes;Advice
摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    1
Key words    1
引言    2
(一)研究背景    2
(二)研究目的及内容    2
(三)研究方法    2
1 文献综述法    2
2 案例分析法    2
一、 住宅建设用地使用权到期后自动续期制度规定演变进程    2
二、问题提出及温州、青岛、深圳续期案例介绍    3
(一)问题提出    3
(二)自动续期的案例介绍    3
1 深圳    3
2青岛    4
3温州    4
三、案例争议焦点分析    4
(一)自动续期应有偿还是无偿    4
1 基于宪法思文剖析    5
2 基于社会影响的视角剖析    5
(二)若有偿的缴费标准    6
(三)可续期次数和期限    6
1 续期期限    6
2续期次数    6
四、对案例中自动续期制度焦点争议的看法及其理由    7
(一)附条件有偿续期    7
1 有偿续期的合理性    7 对住宅建设用地使用权到期后自动续期制度的研究:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_19993.html