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时间:2018-05-11 12:14来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 新农保;最低档;参保率;
New Rural Pension Insurance System in Shanxi
Abstract: Since ancient times, the pension is a topic of concern . Since ancient times , Chinese traditional pension model is family-oriented , but with the implementation of social development and family planning policies and changes in family structure , family size becomes smaller and the traditional model of family pension caused a shock , especially in rural areas. Rural residents living off the land , unlike the old urban workers have pensions , their pension funds from family and most of the land . Weakening of family support capacity and capability of the land endowment , to the loss of the lives of older people in rural areas to protect the rural pension problems have become increasingly prominent. The traditional pension model is under attack, it requires to generate new pension model. New rural pension insurance system is in such a context generated .
This article from Shanxi Province to implement the new rural pension insurance system background , rationale and the status of the study start, through the use of 
interviews in the form of exchanges and rural residents in Shanxi understand the new rural pension insurance system in the implementation of the existing problems and deficiencies according to the theory pension and other developing countries, the insurance experience of rural endowment proposed new pension insurance system to improve the proposal , in fact, seek to provide practical help for the development of Shanxi Province, the new rural pension insurance system.
Keywords: new agricultural insurance; most low; enrollment rate;
一、引言    1
(一) 研究目的    1
(二) 研究意义    1
1. 理论意义    1
2. 现实意义    1
(三)  国内外研究综述    2
1. 国内研究综述    2
2. 国外研究综述    3
(四) 研究发展趋势    3
二、山西省新型农村养老保险制度分析    4
(一) 新型农村养老保险制度的基本内容    4
1. 参保条件    4
2. 缴费原则    4
3. 养老金待遇领取条件    4
4. 养老金待遇    4
(二) 山西省新型农村养老保险制度提出的背景及必要性    5
1. 土地养老能力弱化    5
2. 家庭规模减小,家庭养老能力减弱    5
3. 山西农村老年人口数量大,老龄化的速度快    6
三、山西省新型农村养老保险制度实施过程中存在的问题    6 山西省新型农村养老保险制度研究:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_15450.html