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时间:2018-05-03 21:25来源:毕业论文

  The Refletion And Improvement of The Principle of Respecting   And Safeguarding Human Rights in Criminal Procedure
    Abstract: Since the "respect and protect human rights" is being written Code of Criminal Procedure, is an inevitable social development of China's socialist legal system, which is a top priority to reform the Code of Criminal Procedure, which fully explains the legal protection of human rights in our country has been further enhance the protection of human rights to improve our country's Criminal Procedure Law has very important significance. Respect for and protection of human rights are defended mainly focused on the prosecution of human rights and the protection of court proceedings personnel of state organs. At this stage, the process of domestic criminal procedure regarding the protection of human rights of criminal suspects is still not perfect. Therefore, a comprehensive reform of the judiciary should not respect human rights in the Code of Criminal Procedure, and through strict enforcement and thus improve the respect and protection of human rights system.             
    Key words: Criminal procedure;Human rights protection;Human rights
目    录
摘   要    1
Abstract    1
一、尊重和保障人权写入刑事诉讼法的重大意义    2
(一)是宪法原则的具体化    2
(二)是法治进步的表现    2
(三)顺应了我国社会人权保障的发展要求    3
二、新刑事诉讼中尊重和保障人权的具体体现    3
(一)加强了对被追诉人辩护权的保障    3
(二)对审判监督程序的具体规定    3
(三)对改革死刑复核程序的具体规定    4
三、新刑事诉讼法关于尊重和保障人权的缺陷    4
(一)对被害人人权保障一定程度的忽视    4
(二)我国现行审判监督程序的缺陷    5
(三)死刑复核程序的不足之处    5
四、完善刑事诉讼中的人权保障制度    6
(一)加大被害人的救济权利    6
(二)健全与完善审判监督程序    6
(三)对死刑复核程序的完善    7
参考文献    8
     人权是广义的人权 ,是每一个自然人与生俱来的权利,它包括两方面的含义:一是指在法学方面的定义;二是体现在对待特定当事人时我们应该采取的基本理念。从权利层面上看,人权是一种权利,法律必须赋予各种权利,必须规定各种程序以保证权利可以合理行使,同时对侵权行为规定适当的处罚方式,以文护权利的尊严。从原则层面上看,人权是一种以主张权利为中心的原则和观念,作为一种原则和观念,它要求国家和社会尊重权利行使、方便权利行使,尊重行使权利的人,以方便权利行使作为出发点,营造有利于权利行使的环境。 尊重和保障人权在刑事诉讼中的体现与完善:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_14680.html