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时间:2022-09-13 23:28来源:优尔论文
Studies on the Rhetoric Beauty in Advertising English,英语论文英语广告语言中的修辞美

摘 要商品经济的发展离不开广告,特别是在经济全球化的大潮中。艺术广告诉求与广告语言的经济效益是独一无二的,广告英语的成功很大程度上取决于修辞的魅力。修辞手法在广告英语中的运用使广告语生动、富有韵律感和节奏感等特点,产生了巨大的效果,引起了消费者的购买欲,有助于推销产品。广告英语作为一种应用语言,其特点是准确、优美、精炼,并且具有强大的语言功能和极大的艺术性。本文通过对广告英语修辞美的研究,以期揭示广告语言的审美价值,从而达到特殊的交际效果。84030




Abstract The development of commodity economy can not be separated from the advertising, especially in the tide of economic globalization。 Both the art of advertising and the economic benefits of advertising language are unique, and the success of English advertising depends on the charming of rhetoric to a large extent。 Rhetoric devices in advertising English could make it vivid, full of rhythm and other characteristics。 It also do a deed, cause the desire of the consumers and help to sell products。 As an applied language, advertising English has a strong language function and a great beauty of art。 The characteristics of which are accurate and beautiful and refined。 This paper studies the rhetoric beauty of advertising English in order to reveal the aesthetic value of advertising language so as to achieve special communicative effects。 

Key words: English language; advertising; rhetoric beauty 


摘 要 i

Abstract ii

I。 Introduction 1

II。 Lexical Figures of Speech 2

2。1 Simile 2

2。2 Metaphor 3

2。3 Hyperbole 5

2。4 Pun 6

2。5 Personification 8

III。 The Syntactical Figures of Speech 9

3。1 Parallelism 9

3。2 Repetition 10

3。3 Rhetoric Question 11

IV。 The Phonetic Figures of Speech 12

4。1 Alliteration 12

4。2 Rhyme 13

4。3 Tongue Twister 14

V。 Conclusion 14

Bibliography 16

Acknowledgements 17


 Studies on the Rhetoric Beauty in Advertising English




Rhetoric is a kind of art which aims to improve the ability of the writer or speaker notices, most likely to convince or incentive to specific audiences in particular。 Rhetoric as a discipline of research and practice has played a very important role in the European tradition。 Its best known definition comes from Aristotle, who considers it as a counterpart of both logic and politics, and calls it “the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion。” 论文网 英语广告语言中的修辞美:http://www.youerw.com/fanwen/lunwen_99421.html
