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时间:2023-10-20 22:45来源:优尔论文

摘 要:加快发展青少年校园足球是贯彻党的教育方针、促进青少年身心健康的重要举措,是夯实足球人才根基、提高足球发展水平和成就中国足球梦想的基础工程。近年来,校园足球事业取得了积极进展,体制机制不断完善,发展模式不断创新,校园足球定点学校达到5000多所,举办各种比赛10万多次,青少年足球人口不断扩大。但总体上看,淮安市校园足球发展还比较缓慢,发展不平衡,存在普及面不广、竞赛体系不健全、保障能力不足等问题。通过分析当前淮安经济技术开发区各中小学学校园足球活动存在的学时较少、运动时间不足、指导有限、设施落后、比赛开展不完善的现状,总结淮安开发区各中小学学校园足球发展的制约因素,诸如学校和家长的错误认识以及训练经费有限,提出转变传统观念,增加投资,加强教师培训,完善体系等对策,进一步促进中学校园足球活动开展。85880


Abstract:To accelerate the development of youth campus football is to carry out the party's education policy, an important measure to promote physical and mental health of young people, is to lay a solid foundation, improve the football talent football development level and achievement of China football dream foundation engineering。 In recent years, the campus football career has made positive progress, constantly improve the system mechanism, development mode innovation, school campus football point to more than 5 thousand, various competitions held 100 thousand times, youth football population continues to expand。 But on the whole, the development of campus football is still relatively slow, uneven development, there are widespread popularity is not wide, the competition system is not perfect, lack of support and other issues。 By analyzing the existing economic and Technological Development Zone of Huai’an Primary and secondary schools campus football activities, lack of exercise time, fewer hours, limited guidance facilities are backward, imperfect competition situation, the restricting factors summarized Huai’an Primary and secondary schools l campus football development, such as home and school long mistake and training funds, put forward to change the traditional ideas, increase investment, strengthen the training of teachers, improve the system of measures, to further promote the campus football activities in middle school。

Keywords:Campus football, actuality, Primary and secondary schools, analysis

目  录

1 前 言 4

2 研究对象与方法 4

2。1 研究对象 4

2。2 研究方法 5

2。2。1 文献资料法 5

2。2。2 实地考察与访谈 5

2。2。3 问卷调查法 5

2。2。4 数据统计法 6

3 结果与分析 6

3。1 学校领导对校园足球的认识的现状与分析 6

3。2 学校体育老师的现状与分析 6

3。3 中小学学生对校园足球的认知的调查与分析 7

3。4 学生家长对子女参与足球运动的态度分析 8

3。5 学校和家长对中小学足球运动开展的错误认识 9

3。6 足球课程学识较少,学生参加足球运动时间不足 中小学校园足球现状分析与研究:http://www.youerw.com/fanwen/lunwen_197600.html
