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更新时间:2011-10-4:  来源:毕业论文

This thesis made by the people who from the economic point of view, specific studies in the historical context of since 2009, when China first became a net importer of coal, China has come in the "twelfth Five-Year" period, the international coal market will has considerable influence on China. In the course of the study, mainly based on China's special conditions and the specific coal marke, through reading a lot of historical data and research reports, for making sure our economy during the "tweflth Five-Year" period be healthy and China's energy security requirements be guaranteed. According to the general economic laws, logical reasoning, measurement of the economics, trade-related theoretical approach, the use of macro and micro economic theory, combined with the theory of the world economics, in-depth analysis of the representation of our country become a net importer of coal behind the root causes, and predicted the influence of international coal market to China during the " twelfth Five-Year" period, according to personal opinion put forward from the macro-economics of view of the appropriate response.Key word:international coal market  “twelfth Five--Year”  economy healthy development  原文请+QQ3249,114优.文^论,文'网
目  录
摘  要 I
1  绪  论 6
1.1煤炭资源背景介绍 6
1.1.1动力煤 6
1.1.2炼焦煤 2
1.2我国煤炭资源储量及分布 2
1.3我国的经济发展高度依赖进口资源 2
1.4本文的结构与内容 3
2  “十二五”期间煤炭资源对我国的重要性 4
2.1煤炭资源重要性因素分析 4
2.1.1一般性因素分析 5
2.1.2技术进步因素 8
2.1.3国际经济、政治因素 8
2.1.4供给性因素 8毕业论文http://www.youerw.com/
3  “十二五”期间我国煤炭行业、市场预测分析 10
3.1我国政府对于煤炭行业在“十二五”期间的发展规划 10
3.2“十二五”期间的的我国煤炭行业市场化程度预测分析 10
3.2.1我国政府放开煤炭行业价格的过程及程度 10
3.2.2我国煤炭行业的产能集中程度 11
3.2.3预测“十二五”期间的的我国煤炭市场为垄断竞争市场 12
3.2“十二五”期间我国煤炭行业的状况预测分析 12
3.2.1“十一五”期间我国煤炭行业现状的分析 12
3.2.2结论 14
3.3“十二五”期间的我国煤炭的市场因素预测分析 14
3.3.1“十二五”期间价格因素预测分析 14
3.3.2“十二五”期间国消费量因素分析与预测 22
3.3.3“十二五”期间生产量因素分析与预测 28
3.4“十二五”期间的我国煤炭的国际贸易状况的预测 29
4  “十二五”期间国际煤炭市场的预测分析 31
4.1“十二五”期间煤炭资源对于世界经济社会发展的重要性 31
4.2“十二五”期间世界煤炭资源的生产量和消费量的预测分析 31
4.3“十二五”期间世界煤炭资源的市场价格的预测分析 33
4.4世界主要煤炭出口国(我国的煤炭资源供应国) 34
4.4.1 澳大利亚 34
4.4.2 印度尼西亚 34
4.4.3 越南 34
4.4.4 蒙古 35
4.4.5俄罗斯远东地区 35
4.5世界主要煤炭进口国(我国的煤炭资源竞争国) 35
4.5.1日本 35
4.5.2印度 36
4.6结论 37
5  “十二五”期间世界煤炭市场对我国的影响 38
5.1“十二五” 期间国际煤炭市场的背景预测分析 38
5.2“十二五” 期间中国煤炭资源保持进口的不利因素(煤炭资源的能源安全问题)分析 38
5.2.1保证煤炭充足供应的所付出的政治、外交成本分析 38
5.2.2保证煤炭充足供应的所付出的经济成本分析 40
5.3“十二五” 期间我国煤炭资源的保持进口的有利因素分析 42
5.4运用贸易和生产最优化理论对“十二五”期间进口国际市场煤炭对我国的影响的预测分析 43
5.5 结论 45
5.6 对决策者(我国政府)在“十二五”期间的建议 45
参考文献 47
附  录 48
谢  辞 52
1  绪  论

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