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时间:2022-09-26 22:28来源:英语论文
Why are there differences between these two types of greetings? China is a farming community since ancient times, the issue of feeding always concerned highly by people。 People take food as their fi

Why are there differences between these two types of greetings? 

China is a farming community since ancient times, the issue of feeding always concerned highly by people。 People take food as their first need。 Therefore, it is not surprising to talk about this topic frequently。 While under the influence of English culture, the westerner often talks about weather in the greetings。 Since English geographical environment, the changeable weather and most rainy days, as a result, people have a so special feeling about the topic of the weather naturally。论文网

Two ways to say hello seem naturally, but it may lead to a series of communication problems and unnatural if the communicative environment exchanged or in cross-cultural communication environment。 If you can understand these taboo words in the cultural differences, we can achieve cross-cultural communication better。

2。2 On Appellations

Between Chinese culture and western culture, kinship terms have different meanings。 Chinese kinship is a cultural symbol and specific cultural-spirit carrier, it is plentiful and complex。 There are profound cultural connotations behind these complex kinships。 Chinese title taboo is that people cannot address names of ancestors or elders。 There are no particular taboos in the West, only some stringent rules for high status clergy or royal family members。

In China, among family members and relatives, appellations are determined in strict accordance with seniority and relationships, which is seen as a basic courtesy。 In Western countries, especially in English-speaking countries, even on different levels or between young and old in close relationship, can still address him by name。 While it is impolite and irreverent, is likely to be severely criticized in China。

Cultural differences of appellation mainly because there is a great difference in cultural values between Chinese and Western society。 Under the influence of patriarchal blood idea of ancient China, formed the rigorous distinction of respect for seniority, so appellations have strict rules。 Western countries mostly influenced by “All men are created equal” ideology, so they advocate natural rights, emphasizing non-hierarchical or distinction between people, and advocating equality and freedom strongly。

2。3 On Polite Formulas

China is a courtesy land。 “ritual” has a great impact on Chinese。 “Excuse me,” “I’m wasting your time。” and “I am really sorry to take up your time。” “My lecture still has many shortcomings, please correct me a lot,” “I have to go, you must be tired。” etc。 All of above are polite formulas。 In the Han ethnic point of view, these polite formulas are quite polite and modest。 But if literally translated into English in accordance with this thinking, it is greatly wrong。 These courtesies are inapplicability according to western culture。 It not only misleads the westerner, but also leads to very dangerous consequences。 For example, “You must be very tired”, this sentence used in the circumstance of you have known that someone was ill, if the listener is a young, capable and healthy person, he bound to be angry。 文献综述

Why modesty and courtesy of Chinese culture are completely changed in western culture? The reason is similar to the appellations。

Chinese believe that “humility is the greatest virtue,” “modesty leads to progress”。 Reflected in the speech, they always belittle their own, and praise others。 Even when they do not agree with someone, they won’t directly refuse, instead of expressing their views very politely, or they might echo with the speaker。 When praised by teachers, they often said modestly。 “No, I haven’t done enough 。。。” and so on。 This is the communication guidelines recognized widely in the national psychology。 While westerner advocating inpiduation and self-confidence, and often express their inner thoughts candidly。 跨文化交际视角下中英禁忌习俗对比分析(3):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_99804.html
