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时间:2022-08-17 22:42来源:英语论文
2。2。2 Wide Interests Teachers should pursue new knowledge, capture new information, listen to different views, to express their views。 A knowledgeable teacher is more popular with middle school

    2。2。2 Wide Interests

Teachers should pursue new knowledge, capture new information, listen to different views, to express their views。 A knowledgeable teacher is more popular with middle school students。 Due to the quick development of the Internet, middle school students get more information。 A lot of middle school students have some knowledge and even more than some teachers, so they want to share and communicate with the teacher。 If the teacher lacks a wide knowledge range, it is extremely difficult for him to communicate well with the students。 So no matter how old the teacher’s age is, but he must aspire the new knowledge constantly and he should have a young heart, this can make more common topics with middle school students, and can also lead the students to grow。 Subject coverage ranges across scientific and technology disciplines and includes the literature of materials science, aerospace, construction, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and information science (Wang 13-22)。来:自[优E尔L论W文W网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

 If the teacher is very interested in clothing and some entertainment shows from middle school, in the usual teaching and reading, he can let the students learn about the film, television, entertainment, sports, clothing and other fashion articles。 Some information is understood by the students, and these topics will be talked happily in the classroom, some new information that the students do not know, they will listen to the teacher carefully, and master knowledge in a pleasant atmosphere。 These can attract middle school students’ interest in learning, this kind of examples are not uncommon in class。 With the time going, students will feel that teachers have the common interest and fashion hobby with them, and the teacher can acquire their own distinct personality。 Students will like this kind of teachers, and will like the class with fresh sense。 At the same time, the teachers be patient and they can direct middle school students to learn English well。
