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时间:2021-12-22 16:24来源:英语论文
3。2 Participants This study is designed and conducted by case study, in which the participants all come from a local normal university at north of Jiangsu province。 This section describes the Engl

3。2 Participants

This study is designed and conducted by case study, in which the participants all come from a local normal university at north of Jiangsu province。 This section describes the English learners involved in the study。 The numbers of volunteers, college students participating in the study and enrolling in the questionnaire, is 1108 valid in total, 68。59% of them are female。 All the participants own smartphones。 They are from different departments of the same university, covering freshmen (45。85%), sophomore (29。42%), junior students (11。91%) and senior students (12。82%)。 When volunteers filled in the anonymous questionnaire in their free time, they did not do any consultation, and they all gave consent for data collection。 From the participants, 10 interviewees are selected at random to report and discuss the effect and problems of English U-learning in the group interview, and half of them are female。 The purpose of that interview is relevant and clear to the respondents and they speak their opinions on their own conditions freely in the group。 The main record of interview is in Appendix 2。

 3。3 Instruments

The instruments are selected on the basic of research questions。 Questionnaire is used to collect data about the situation of English U-learning。 Firstly, questionnaire is made and the pilot study is conducted to test validity and reliability。 And the questionnaire is then modified。 The statistical analyses were performed by Wenjuanxing, a website providing self-designed questionnaire and data analysis。 Group interview is also used to find out problems of U-learning among English learners, the reasons of the effect, names of software, the contents of English U-learning and so on。 Group interview is conducted in Wechat Group of ten college students。 They are given several questions and answers are recorded。 来,自,优.尔:论;文*网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

4。 Data Description

This section describes the current situation of English U-learning of college students。 Based on the research questions, the research methods are selected and data are collected by questionnaire and group interview。 All the questionnaires collected are 1131, and the number of valid questionnaire is 1108, showing that all the participants own smartphones and most of them (48。83%) use smartphones more than four hours every day。 
