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时间:2021-12-06 20:20来源:英语论文
5。 Language Transfer of Uyghur-native Students in English Learning 5。1 Phonetics 5。1。1Negative transfer From the perspective of phonetic system, English and Uyghur are different types of langu

5。 Language Transfer of Uyghur-native Students in English Learning

5。1 Phonetics

5。1。1Negative transfer

From the perspective of phonetic system, English and Uyghur are different types of language。 English is an intonation language which relies on intonation to distinguish the meaning of a sentence。 Uyghur belongs to a non-tone language。 The number of phonemes and combinations are not the same。 The differences of the phonological system are often the main factors which brings about phonetic transfer。 Uyghur students are likely to mix up fricative consonants[s],[z],[θ],[ð] when they spell English words。 By investigation, the author finds that nearly 20% of students misspell thousand, these, those into sousand, zese, zose because inter dentals do not exist in Uyghur。

Thus, due to the staid habits of pronounce stress in Uyghur, Uyghur-native students often pronounce football['fʊtbɔːl]], dining-hall['daɪnɪŋhɔ:l] into [fut'bɔl], [daɪnɪŋ'hɔ:l]。 As is mentioned above, Uyghur is an non-tone language, but it has accent。 Most disyllable and polysyllabic words lay the stress on the last syllable。 That is why Uyghur-native students often make mistakes in this respect。来*自~优|尔^论:文+网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766*

Apart from these, approximately 25% of Uyghur-native students omit the letter “e” when spelling the word ending up with an aphonic vowel “-e”。 For example, stone-ston, machine-machin, knife-knif, ect。

In the dictation test, students often leave out one of the same two consonants。 Eg。 tomorrow-tomorw, impossible-imposible, progress-progres。 In Uyghur, a word contains two consonants, both of them pronounced。 From this term, the pronunciation of Uyghur has negative effect on spelling。 
