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时间:2020-03-17 22:00来源:英语论文
Limitations of Research 18 References 19 1. Introduction 1.1 Research Background Nowadays, English achieves more attention in the primary school teaching. Primary school is the basic stage of English

Limitations of Research 18

References 19

1. Introduction

1.1 Research Background

Nowadays, English achieves more attention in the primary school teaching. Primary school is the basic stage of English learning, this period is the preliminary stage of students to exposure and use the English. But because of the course arrangement is not enough, leading to the students have less opportunities speaking and using the English in the classroom. Some teachers even spend the whole class only to impact knowledge with no interaction. This leads to the students have the passive spirit to accept the new English knowledge and express the tired of emotions. Therefore, teachers need to design a suitable English teaching plan in the primary school. Making full use of classroom activities to mobilize the enthusiasm of students, using the effective classroom activities to promote students to accept and use new knowledge, avoiding teachers imparting knowledge of the phenomenon.

Primary school English curriculum teaching basic requirements also point: English course in primary school stage must stimulate the students’ interests, develop their positive attitudes towards English learning, make them build up the self-confidence, train their the sense of language and a good voice tone. The goal of primary school English teaching activities is to make the students use the language to communicate with each other. 

1.2 Objectives of the study

Recently, the trend of  second language teaching has a movement. It becomes to get away from “method” and other “external” or “top down” views of teaching in it own terms. Such an approach often starts with the instructors themselves and actual teaching processes, and seeks to gain a better understanding of these processes by exploring with teachers what they do and why they do it. The result is the construction of an “internal” or “bottom up” view of teaching. The approach is often the teacher observing himself, collecting the data, analyzing the data and having a evaluation. Using the data finds the aim for doing the teaching activities.

1.3 Significance of the Study

Primary school English is the basic stage of the foreign language teaching. It has the special education object – the people who in the mother tongue learning. So the effective classroom activities are a useful measure to English education in primary school teaching. 

The effective classroom activities are beneficial attempt to the primary school English classroom teaching. I choose this thesis is to hope that though this thesis to find the best way to design the classroom activities, make the students learn the English in the easy way. Though this study finding what kinds of the classroom activities are effective and how to use the effective classroom activities. 

2. Literature Review

2.1 Classroom Activities

Generally speaking, the usage of classroom activities should accord to the class content. It is widely known that classroom activities have four parts of English teaching, namely, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These activities would not only strengthen the practical application of language skill, but also facilitate extra-linguistic skill building, for instance, the capacity to cooperate and communicate with others. This is in agreement with the standpoint of Harmer (1983) who holds that listening, social talk, and even the introduction of new language all involve activities, information gap task, oral composition, story reconstruction or parallel writing.

2.1.1 有效的小学英语课堂活动的研究(3):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_48450.html
