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时间:2019-09-12 19:01来源:英语论文
While in western countries, foreigners also go to local Chinese cities to see Chinese people celebrating their Spring Festival, and even join in it. In the meanwhile, more and more scholars have begun

While in western countries, foreigners also go to local Chinese cities to see Chinese people celebrating their Spring Festival, and even join in it. In the meanwhile, more and more scholars have begun to do research on the culture of the east and west. The formation of the national festival is a long term accumulation of national history and culture. The origin of the festival are closely connected with people’s lives. It reflects the people’s abundant emotion world and people’s love for life. As a saying goes, each festival of the nations reflects the most real aspect of its national culture. As you can see, if people want to know a nation’s culture, people must know its traditional festival. Only by doing this, can you get a good command of their special culture. This paper talks about the Chinese Spring Festival and Western Christmas to analyze the festival difference between China and the West. It is convenient to absorb the outstanding foreign cultures. And people can learn from others to make China stronger. 中西方节日文化差异探析以春节和圣诞节为例(2):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_39223.html