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时间:2018-08-02 20:13来源:毕业论文
1.1作物品种和供试菌15 1.1.1作物品种15 1.1.2供试菌剂15 1.2试验地点 15 1.3试验方法15 1.4数据统计15 2.结果与分析 16 2.1有机全程植保体系(BeMMO)对甜瓜的促生

1.2试验地点 15
2.结果与分析 16
3.讨论 16
The Whole course green planting system driven by beneficial microorganism
Microbial agents could effectively improve soil micro environment, improve soil fertility, improve the nutritional conditions of crops, can also regulate plant growth, improve crop resistance to increase crop production, which is the development of "green agriculture" and "ecological agriculture" needs. In this paper, the microbial organism used in the organic whole plant protection system (BeMMO) test is a new type of microbial agent composed of multiple biocontrol agents. It is composed of biological pesticide and green plant protection laboratory of Nanjing Agricultural University. In this paper, the effects of organic whole plant protection system (BeMMO) on the cucumber, watermelon and melon crops were discussed, which laid the theoretical foundation for the application of organic whole plant protection system (BeMMO).
1.Benificial microbial motivated holistic green planting system on cucumber
     This was done by field experiment of organic whole plant protection system (BeMMO) of cucumber crops in the vegetable base of the Wuchuxi Road, Hengxi Town, Jiangning District, Nanjing.The results showed that the content of EC, PH, available nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium in the soil were significantly changed compared with the conventional planting, which indicated that the organic plant protection system significantly increased the soil fertility. At 30 days after transplanting, the microbial fertilizer The results showed that the plant height, stem diameter and chlorophyll content of the plant were significantly higher than those of the control group. The increase of cucumber yield could increase the yield of cucumber by about 49%. The results showed that the organic plant protection system was superior to the conventional planting system in terms of vitamin C content, soluble sugar, soluble solids, total antioxidant capacity and soluble protein.
2.Benificial microbial motivated holistic green planting system on watermelon
This was done by field experiment of organic whole plant protection system (BeMMO) of watermelon crops in Bamboo Town,  Liuhe District, Jiangsu Province.The results showed that during the 30 days of transplanting, the microbial fertilizer was used to study the effect of waterlogging on the watermelon crops .Microbial fertilizer "Ning shield" can promote the growth of watermelon plants, although the plants between the varieties of stem and chlorophyll changes little, but in the plant height of the varieties increased by about 10 to 20cm.
3.Benificial microbial motivated holistic green planting system on melon
This was done by field experiment of organic whole plant protection system (BeMMO) of melon crop in Bamboo Town, Liuhe District, Jiangsu Province. The results showed that the microbial fertilizer could promote the growth of melon at 30 days after transplanting. Although the stem and chlorophyll changed 
little, the SM-15093 cultivars increased about 10cm, SM-14053 cultivars  increased about 25cm.
Key words: Microbial agents "Ning shield"; Melon crops; The whole green planting system; promoting effect; popularization prospect.
引言:我国是农业大国,农业在我国国民生产总值中扮演着非常重要的角色。随着现代农业科学技术的大步发展,大力推动了我国农业产业的进步,其中化学肥料的广泛应用为农业生产带来了巨大的利益。但是,近年来化学农药、肥料的大量使用,反复使用,使得产生抗药性、污染环境、土壤板结、地力衰退等诸多问题,降低了农产品的品质,还有化学农药、肥料利用率的下降,也使得农业成本增加,经济效益下降。为了实现农业的可持续发展,达到高产、优质、高效、生态、安全的目标以及改良土壤现状。利用微生物菌剂在作物上不断试验,以获得绿色高效种植方案。本次有机全程植保体系(BeMMO)中使用微生物菌剂“宁盾”在葫芦科黄瓜、西瓜、甜瓜作物上试验。黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L)为葫芦科黄瓜属,黄瓜作为可四季供应的蔬菜,是我国重要的蔬菜之一,其以丰富的营养价值及美容价值在我国的“菜篮子”中占有重要地位。肥料输送是黄瓜生产的保障,决定着黄瓜产量的高低和品质优劣,对黄瓜生产效益等方面起决定作用(王田利,2015)。利用微生物菌剂在作物上不断试验,以获得绿色高效种植一体化解决方案。促进黄瓜产业化升级。西瓜(Citrulluslanatus)是葫芦科西瓜属作物,作为我国重要的园艺作物,其促进农民快速增加收入。西瓜在种植业中的地位越来越凸显,将为未来农业的可持续发展做出相应的贡献(杨艳涛等,2012)。西瓜施用微生物肥料能够增加瓜叶的叶面积、叶重和叶片内N、P、和K 养分含量, 尤其是增加钾的含量较明显,施用微生物肥料还可以改善西瓜的品质, 提高其甜度。无论微生物肥料用量高或低, 西瓜中心的糖度和边缘的糖度均能够提高1度往上(薛智勇等,1996)。甜瓜( Cueumis melon) 俗名香瓜,葫芦科甜瓜属,市场上有较大的需求量,其是世界上重要的水果之一,具有市场需求量大、栽培周期短、经济效益较高等优点,我国是世界上甜瓜第一生产大国。所以,提高甜瓜产业发展,不断提升我国甜瓜的国际市场竞争力具有非常重要的意义(王志丹等,2013)。微生物肥料“宁盾”对甜瓜枯萎病等具有良好的防效,可以克服甜瓜生产实践过程中连作障碍,对甜瓜具有促生作用及能提高果实品质,提高综合效益(邢卫峰等,2014)。所以进行有益微生物驱动瓜类作物全程绿色种植体系试验意义重大。 有益微生物驱动的瓜类作物全程种植绿色体系(2):http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_20863.html