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时间:2020-03-10 11:38来源:毕业论文
In the fourth chapter, in order to further analyze the peak poly, trough and the crowding out effect of the concrete influence factor and mechanism of action, the tourist behavior research by the ques

In the fourth chapter, in order to further analyze the peak poly, trough and the crowding out effect of the concrete influence factor and mechanism of action, the tourist behavior research by the questionnaire data analysis and research, found that: cater to the event held in time is because the event itself, attractive and events brought about by the affiliated activity of poly (peak and fill the digging effect). To avoid events is not because the event itself is not attractive enough but because of the negative effects brought about by the event (crowding out effect).
The fourth part, in order to further analyze the impact factors of the mechanism behind this effect which, as well as the intensity of the role of these factors, a questionnaire to explore the mechanism behind the analysis, the data was found to play two roles in the event of tourists travel intention: cater or to avoid the event held in time. Cater to events organized by time because the event itself is a subsidiary of the activities and events that appeal brought about. To avoid the event held not because the event itself is not attractive enough but because of the negative impact of the events organized to bring.
In the fifth chapter, the author summarizes and discusses the conclusion of the third chapter and the fourth chapter, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures on how to reduce and avoid the negative effects of mega-event.
Key words:Mega-event;Tourist volume;Impact mechanism
目  录
第一章  背景与意义    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2研究意义    1
1.3研究方法    2
第二章  相关文献综述    3
2.1国外相关文献综述    3
2.2国内相关文献综述    4
2.3 研究述评    5
第三章  大型事件对区域旅游市场的长期影响特征    6
3.1 2010年上海世博会对区域旅游市场的长期影响特征    6
3.2 世界园艺博览会对区域旅游市场的长期影响特征    8
3.2.1 1999年昆明世界园艺博览会    8
3.2.2 2006年沈阳世界园艺博览会    10
3.2.3 2011年西安世界园艺博览会    12
3.2.4 2014年青岛园艺博览会    15
3.3 2014年南京青奥会对区域旅游市场的长期影响特征    16
3.4 2008年北京奥运会对区域旅游市场的长期影响特    19
3.5总结    21
第四章  大型事件对游客出游行为的影响研究    22
4.1调查目的    22
4.2研究设计    22
4.3结果与分析    22
4.3.1样本基本情况    22
4.3.2大型事件对游客出游时间选择的总体影响    26
4.3.3大型事件对游客出游时间选择的影响途径研究    26
4.4总结    29
第五章  结论与讨论    31
结束语    33
致  谢    34
参考文献    35
第一章  背景与意义
近年来,随着我国综合国力的提升和国际交流的日益深化,越来越多的世界知名会展及体育赛事选择在我国举办。1999年,我国在云南昆明首次举办了“世界园艺博览会”(简称园博会,下文同),这是我国第一次举办国际影响较大的专业展会。此后,园博会分别在2006年沈阳、2010年台北、2011年西安、2014年青岛国内四地多次举办,并将在2016年和2019年分别在唐山、北京举办;2010年,上海举办了世界上规模最大的综合博览会——世界博览会(简称世博会,下文同),可以说是我国举办博览会的一个高峰。这些具有世界影响力的展览会和大型体育赛事活动在我国举办,标志我国的会展业和旅游业进入到一个崭新的阶段。 大型事件对区域旅游市场影响的时间特征研究(2):http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_48024.html