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时间:2021-12-25 21:08来源:毕业论文
Third, the development of wind energy technology requires constant innovation: At present, Chinas wind energy development in technological innovation is still very weak, the lack of core technologies

     Third, the development of wind energy technology requires constant innovation:

     At present, China's wind energy development in technological innovation is still very  weak, the lack of core technologies with independent intellectual property。 Thus, much would import technology from abroad。Although the arrival of knowledge economy era, all countries take full advantage of global resources and international cooperation through the introduction of technology to bridge the gap and improve competitiveness。 But if there is no capability of independent innovation, not know what the introduction of advanced technologies, are not able to absorb the future, can not carry out another record, which is on the one hand; on the other hand, the core technology is the introduction of foreign countries cannot, and must be rely on innovation to master the core technology; Moreover, the domestic policy of independent innovation of technology needs to supporting, guiding, supporting, with the core technology of wind energy products to be increasing support, such a "wall flower wall incense" situation can be change, innovation and power can come from constant innovation。     

      In short: the wind power industry continuing to creating in a single generation from wind energy technology to power the various areas of need ,its additional products have emerged such as: street, landscape, traffic control, communication, irrigation, planting, breeding, sea water desalination , fire, alarm, islands, mountains and so on。 Shows the development of wind energy in this new industry can be brought about  numerous development and transformation of traditional industries, but the application of wind energy technology in various fields has become the industry's benchmark。 World revolution will be caused by wind energy technology from the New Energy and Industrial revolution。

风力发电技术风能技术分为大型风电技术和中小型风电技术,虽然都属于风能技术,工作原理 也相同,但是却属于完全不同的两个行业: 具体表现在“政策导向不同、 市场不同、 应用领域不同、 应用技术更是不同,完全属于同种产业中的两个行业。因此,在中国风力机械行业会议上已经把大型风电和中小型风电区分出来分别对待。此外,为满足市场不同需求,延伸出来的风光互补技术不仅推动了中小型风电技术的发展,还为中小型风电开辟了新的市场。文献综述     



    大型风电技术起源于丹麦、荷兰等一些欧洲国家,由于当地风能资源丰富,风电产业受到政府的助推, 大型风电技术和设备的发展在国际上遥遥领先。 目前我国政府也开始助推大型风电技术的发展,并出台一系列政策引导产业发展。大型风电技术都是为大型风力发电机组设计的,而大型风力发电机组应用区域对环境的要求十分严格,都是应用在风能资源丰富的资源有限的风场上,常年接受各种各样恶劣的环境考研,环境的复杂多变性,对技术的高度要求就直线上升。目前国内大型风电技术普遍还不成熟,大型风电的核心技术仍然依靠国外,国家政策的引导使国内的风电项目发疯一样在各地上马,各地都期望能借此分得一杯羹。名副其实的“疯电”借着政策的东风开始燎原之势。虽然风电项目纷纷上马,但多为配套类型,完全拥有自主知识产权的大型风电系统技术和核心技术少之又少。还需经历几年环境考验的大型风电技术才能逐渐成熟。此外,大型风电技术中发电并网的技术还在完善,一系列的问题还在制约大型风电技术的发展。      风力发电技术的英文文献和中文翻译(3):http://www.youerw.com/fanyi/lunwen_87327.html
