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时间:2021-09-24 20:09来源:毕业论文
5。 CONCLUSIONS In this article, three evolutionary optimization approaches, SGA, GAE and DE, were used and compared for the design of serial link robotic manipulators (SCARA and articulated) based o


In this article, three evolutionary optimization approaches, SGA, GAE and DE, were used and compared for the design of serial link robotic manipulators (SCARA and articulated) based on task specifications and constraints。 The design process considered the kinematic, dynamic and structural characteristics of the links of the  manipulator and the end-effector payload。 The objective was to minimize the torque required to per- form the defined motion subject to constraints on link parameters (length, and cross- sectional area), and end-effector deflection。 These evolutionary techniques were applied in the design of SCARA and articulated type robotic devices using circular, square, rectangular and C-channel cross-sections for the links。  The results  indicate  that the DE reaches a “steady-state” objective  function  quickly  requiring  only  a  small number of generations and function evaluations  as compared  to the  other two。  The DE optimization even with smaller number of generations evaluated design variables that yield significantly smaller objective functions。 The SGA and  GAE  could  not reach the same objective functions even when the number of generations was substan- tially increased。 The DE technique operates on real-valued design variables and  does not require conversions between binary and decimal。 The fast performance of DE indi- cates that it could be a viable  optimization  approach for real-time   optimization。


The authors would like to thank Dr。 Storn for making the DE code used in this study freely available [19] and his input on DE related questions。 The authors would also like to thank Mr。 Trogos of Mathworks Inc。 for providing the MATLAB software used in this study。





许多研究人员已经基于运动学和/或动态规范的开放文献中找到了最佳机器人设计。口腔和空转器针对特定运动优化了平面机器人手臂。他们描述了使用顺序二次规划的高速机器人的最小重量设计[1]。杨明明在模块化机器人系统中应用了最小程度的自由度概念,以便利用进化算法(GA的变化)来最大化承载能力并降低功率需求[2]。 Paredis和Khosla讨论了使用基于任务规范的模拟退火的串行链路操纵器的最佳运动学设计[3]。 Tang和Wang比较了拉格朗日和原始双神经网络对运动冗余机械手的实时关节力矩优化。他们使用期望的加速度的末端执行器作为特定任务的输入[4]。陈和程描述了各种控制方案,并说明了“最小速度范数法”优于其他冗余机械手局部关节扭矩优化方法[5]的优点。 Paredis使用基于分布式代理的遗传算法(GA)从小型链接和模块库存中创建容错串行链操纵器[6]。 Chedmail和Ramstein使用GA来确定操纵器的基本位置和类型(几个),以优化工作空间可达性[7]。 机器人优化设计英文文献和中文翻译(10):http://www.youerw.com/fanyi/lunwen_82103.html
