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时间:2019-03-31 20:39来源:毕业论文
that parses the file before our plane ever leaves the ground. That way, all we need to do is get the data to input from the actual log file, which well get when the plane lands. The other parts of the

that parses the file before our plane ever leaves the ground. That way, all we need to do is get the data to input from the
actual log file, which we’ll get when the plane lands. The other parts of the file that don’t require actual coordinates can
be formatted ahead of time. For instance, every Google Earth–compatible KML file begins with the line
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
which is then followed by
<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
and so on. So we can write our script to add those lines to our final plane.kml file.
We’ll write our on-the-plane code to both take a picture and log the current GPS position every 30 seconds or so.
Because we’re taking data points at specified times along a certain route, we can use KML’s path function to create a
visual record of exactly what our plane did. The path will end up looking something like what you see in Figure 10-3.
Remember that because we’re only polling the GPS unit every 30 seconds, we won’t have a nice curved line.
Instead, the path will connect the places where the plane was at those intervals, and the connections will be straight
lines. As you can see in Figure 10-3, I used a parking lot for my test flights—my advice to a beginning flyer is to use a
grassy field if you can, as crash landings in grass are likely to be easier on your plane! Everything in Alaska was covered
by snow during my test flights, so it didn’t really matter where I tested thing
那么假设你自己有一个树莓Pi迷你电脑。现在该怎么办呢?你可能会尝试去熟悉Pi和它架构,你想知道如何处理它。也许你有一些电脑方面的经验但没有熟悉过Linux或树莓Pi的默认操作系统。也许你已经Linux极客,但是你不知道如何在Python里编写程序,认为这是一个很好的时间去学习。也许你绝对没有任何经验有关于电脑的,除了单击开始按钮,检查你的电子邮件,上网。但是本文能够帮助你理解一些有关树莓pi的小技巧 树莓π与GPS接收器英文文献和中文翻译(3):http://www.youerw.com/fanyi/lunwen_31595.html