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时间:2019-01-07 17:59来源:毕业论文
For all these reasons we carry out a comprehensive literature review in this study with a view to identifying the interrelationships found to date between LM, Supply Chain Management and the three key

For all these reasons we carry out a comprehensive literature review in this study with a view to identifying the interrelationships found to date between LM, Supply Chain Management and the three key dimensions of sustainability. Fig. 1 shows the scope of this study's analysis: the shaded areas where the circles intersect, to be precise.
Specifically, this study presents a qualitative analysis of research done to date on these interrelationships with two basic objectives: 1) to identify the topic set studied and contribute a criterion for classifying the literature that will be useful for researchers wishing to begin work in this field, and 2) to discuss the available empirical evidence, detecting contradictions and inconsistencies in the literature and any gaps that enable us to point out any opportunities that exist for future research.
The study has been pided into four parts with this first part devoted to the introduction. The second part provides details of the methodology followed to accomplish the research objectives. The third section is devoted to setting out the findings in terms of classifying the literature and developing the content of the topics and lines of research identified. Finally, the results are discussed with reference to the contradictions, inconsistencies and gaps found in the literature. Conclusions are also provided together with the challenges that future research will have to address and the implications of the findings for management.
B.    原文的翻译论文网
近几十年来,公司在各种经济部门都采取了精益管理(LM)。在许多情况下,这让他们能够改善他们的成果和他们的竞争力(莫亚诺 - 富恩特斯和教堂司事 - 迪亚兹,2012)。然而,尽管许多公司已经成功实施LM,但很多公司都没有达到他们期望的效果。需要注意的是,这些公司有一个共同特点那就是无法在中期和长期文持他们的结果(Lucey等,2005)。这已然引起了研究人员的研究兴趣,探讨他们为何不能文持的结果来自LM。 供销存管理英文文献和中文翻译(2):http://www.youerw.com/fanyi/lunwen_28932.html